Thursday, November 10, 2022

there is no cause for fear,

 Jai Sri Ram, When it was heard that the bridegroom's procession was close at hand, there was a commotion in the city, which added to its charm, adoring themselves and decorating their vehicles of various kinds, a party proceeded in advance to receive the procession with due honor, they were gladdened at heart to see the gatherings of immortals, and they were all happier to behold Sri Hari, 

But when they started looking at Shiva's retinue, every animal they rode started back, and fleed in panic, the adult recovered themselves and remained where they were, while every child that came ran for its life, on their reaching home when their parents questions them, they spoke as follows, their limb still shaking with fear, what shall we say, the sight was such as could not be described,

We wonder whether it was a bridegroom's procession or the army of death, the  bridegroom is a maniac, riding on a bull, serpents, skulls, and ashes are his ornaments, and his body is smeared with ashes and adorned with serpents and skulls, he is naked, has matted hair on his head and is dreadful to look at, he is accompanied by ghosts and evil spirits, goblins and fairies, and demons with frightful continence, 

He who survives on seeing the bridegroom's possession is a man of great luck indeed and alone will witness the wedding of Uma, there were the words uttered by the children from house to house, the parents smiled, for they knew that the children, were talking of Shiva's retinue. they reassured the children in many ways and said, Be Not Afraid, there is no cause for fear,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please