Tuesday, June 20, 2023

birds and beasts

 Jai Sri Ram,

Rama reached the divine region known in the name of Saketa, the road that scared even any anchorite may find, perceiving Sita was tired Rama resorted under a banyan tree that night, cool water passing by in a celestial reality, 

Rama himself went for bulbs, roots, and fruits to dine with, staying there overnight and bathing at dawn Rama start his journey in a new,

Beholding the beauty of the wood in truth with an eternity of nature Rama reached the hermitage of Sage Valmiki, Rama saw the sage's beautiful dwelling with its charming hill and forest and sacred waters,

The lotuses in the ponds and the trees in the vicinity were blossom, intoxicated with honey bees sweetly hummed over them, birds and beasts made a tumultuous noise and moved about in joy free from all animosities, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please