Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A Curse

 Jai Sri Ram, 

Clasping my preceptor's feet, give the message, pray, that the Lord of Ayodhya may no longer grieve on my account, 

Sending her greetings Sita wanted to say something but her emotions never allow her to do so, At that moment Rama asked the boatman to propel the boat toward the other side, 

Rama departed, while I stood looking with a heavy heart, all queens wailed and wept to hear it, Ayodhya was in great tumult at the sound of the outcry in the royal gynaeceum, 

The life breath of the king now struck at the throat, felt uneasy, senses were blighted, Kaushalya realized the king withered and blasted that sun of the solar race about to set, trying to pacify the king in many ways, the king opened his eyes on words of the beloved queen, recovered and relate the truth of a curse he lived with and dying for, given by the blind parents of Shravana Kumar, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please