Thursday, September 28, 2023

distaste for the pleasure of life

 Jai Sri Ram, 
Admonish me, O gracious Rama, tell me some means to cross the period of your exile, Bharata praise the virtuous glory of Rama appreciated by all,

The all-wise Rama when heard the meek speech in guileless ascend of his brother, replied, Bharata it is the guru and the king Janaka who has taken thought of you, discard all anxiety go and rule Ayodhya till the appointed period, be in the essence of king duty to serve the kingdom on the notes of Guru, Bharata's mind was not clear about moving without tangible support from Rama in the form of his sandal, , Rama Read the truth of Bharata and blessed him with the object of his eternal desire, 

Bharat made obeisance and begged to leave to depart and Rama clasped him to his bosom, Bharata embraced Laxman while Shatrughan bowed to him, They put on their forehead the dust from the lotus feet of Sita and departed, Rama bowed his head to King Janaka, meet all her mother, Sita bowed to Arundhati as well to her mother inlaws, all takes their routs after keeping Rama in their thoughts and heart, all people practiced austerities and fasted in order to be able to see Rama again, there Laxman sat under the banyan tree and grieved over the separation, condition of Rama was no better than Laxman on the occasion but with a false smile of face, 

There is Bharata with all parties crossing the Yamuna, the day passed without food, and the Next Halt made on the bank of Ganga Shrigverpur, they bathed in Gomati and reached Ayodhya, King Janka stayed there for four days,  Bharata prayed Brahmanas and gods before taking his place in a hermitage at the outskirt of Ayohya to serve disinterestedly, Installed the wooden sandal of Rama on the throne and start his job in cult with service, daily worshipping the Rama's sanda with overflowing affection and constantly referred to them in the disposal of the affairs of the state, his tongue repeated Rama's name, the most sanctifying story of Bharata's doing is not only delightful and charming, but drives away the terrible sins and affliction of the Kali age, those who reverently hear and sing this chapter attain to the devotion to the feet of Sita and Rama and a distaste for the pleasure of life,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please