Saturday, November 4, 2023

Rama reached the shore of beautiful Lake Pampa

 Jai Sri Ram,

Weapons of greed are desired, and hypocrisy, of lust naught but woman, while anger's weapon is harsh words, so declared by the great sages after deep thought,

Rama is beyond the three Gunas yet the lord of animate and inanimate, the inner controller of all, he demonstrated the miserable plight of earthly lovers and strengthened dispassion in the mind of the wise, anger, lust, greed, pride and delusion, all these eliminated by the grace of Rama, 

Shiva Said to Uma Kalyani I tell you my own realization that the only thing real is the worship of Rama and the whole world is a dream, 

Rama reached the shore of beautiful Lake Pampa, its water was as limped as the heart of saints, and all kinds of beasts drank its water as if there was a crowd of beggars at the house of a generous man, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please