Wednesday, November 8, 2023

steeped in love for Rama

 Jai Sri Ram, 

Sage Narada listened to the delightful Rama, a thrill ran through his body, 

Again reverently spoke to the lord, please tell the qualities of a holy saint,

Said the Rama, who is well-versed in sacred lore, hold me in subjugation, master all the six passions, sinless by nature, disinterested in their truth and cause, moderate in diet, firm in their ideal, inspired learned and united with truth, bestowing honor on others, free from pride, the embodiment of simplicity and distant from hype, prime asset they maintained is love to my lotus feet, blush to hear themselves praised but much delighted to hear others praise, friendly to all, characterized by dispassion, discretion and modesty, 

As the sage heard all about clasped the feet of the lord once more and left for his abode of Brahmma lok, blessed are they who gave up all hopes, steeped in love for Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please