Jai Sri Ram,
Concealing himself among the leaves of a tree he mused within himself, come, sir, what should I do, at that very moment Ravana arrived accompanied by a troop of women, tried to prevail upon her in many ways, said I will make Mandodary and all other queens your handmaid, I swear, provided you cast your look on me once,
Interposing a blade of grass between herself and the Ravana, fixed thought on Rama said,
Listen, O ten-headed monster, can a lotus flower ever expand in the glow of a firefly,
Onder this at heart, perhaps you have no idea what Sri Rama's shafts are like, you carried me at a time when there was none by my side, yet you do not feel ashamed, O vile and impudent rogue,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks, please