Thursday, March 21, 2024

return to your home all of you

 Jai Sri Ram,

They had forgotten their home so completely that they never thought of it even in a dream any more than a saint would harbour ill will towards another,

Lord then Called all comrades, they came and bowed to Lord, most lovingly Rama seated them by his side, addressed them in tender words, which were delight of devotees,

Said Rama, you have rendered unstinted service to me, but how can I praise you to your face, you renounced your home snd comforts on my account, hence you have endeared yourselves most to me, my brother, my crown, my fortune, Sita, my spouse, my life, my home, my near and dear ones are all dear to me, but none so dear as you, 

I tell you no untruth,I simply reveal my nature to you, every master, as a rule, loves his servant, but for me, am exceptionally fond of my devotees, Now, my comrades, return to your home all of you, worship me with a steadfast vow, knowing me as omnipresent and friendly to all, love me most dearly, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please