Monday, April 8, 2024

Worship of Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

Peerless ponds and tanks of capital city Ayodhya were charming and spacious wells looked so beautiful with their elegant lights of steps and transparent water that even gods and sages were fascinated by their light,

Lakes blessed with variety of lotuses resounding with the cooling of the numerous birds and humming bees, cuckoos and other birds glorifying the beauty of gardens,

Indeed, hard to describe the beauty of city having king as Rama, all superpowers resorts to this city Ayodhya and impart city with superhuman powers and even so joys and riches of every kind stayed in Ayodhya, 

Worship of Rama is common to all in the city and outskirts around, Rama, the Protector of suppliant who by nature is delight of saints even as the sun brings joy to he bed of lotuses, delight of his servants, a fire to consume the dense forest of the demons and the ignorance, reliever of the earth burdens, the munificent Lord of Tulsidasa,

May lord bless all,

Thanks, please