Saturday, April 13, 2024

Devoted to their own selfish interest,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Rama continued that Greed is the truth of demons in the garb of man, they wallow in greed, live and die for greed, given up to sexual enjoyment and gluttony and have no fear of punishment, if they hear any anyone exalted, they believe in attack and argue, when they find anyone distress, they rejoice,

Devoted to their own selfish interest, recognize no relation and ever look from favors nor respect the preceptor, no love for communion with saints, ocean of vice in themselves, dull witted and lascivious,

They bear malice to all, enemies of the Brahmanas, full of hypocrisy, embodiment of deceitfulness, core criminal inside but outwardly wear a saintly appearance, 

Such vile and wicked are absent in the Satya and Treta Yugas, sprinkling of them will appear in Dvapara, while multitudes of them will crop forth in the Kali age,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please