Thursday, March 27, 2008

acts in life

Glory of lord speaks about the life that he alone who does an act reaps its consequences; such is the law of the Vedas and so declare by all. But still illusion has its different version to maintain the pace of karma with a time gap their in hence it appears the way this, as if one commits and another reaps the fruits.

But the factual status of facts is universal for one and all that three kinds of acts usually being felt which reflects on to life. First one commit and find the result their and then. Second which one commit and results take a lot of time to pacify the acts in life, lastly it is the platform we have been provided for act in a specific orbit which one has created in past to carry on with and what one has been doing, creating a orbit for life which falls under the preview of birth and rebirth.

It needs all care to interact with life because our acts matters all, what one saw the same one has to reap with the gap of time at different attitude and different mode.

May god bless all on the subject of life as true human.

Thanks please.