Thursday, March 27, 2008


Glory of lord speaks with clear version that those who adore and greet the pollen-like feet dust of their preceptors which in form refulgent, fragrant and flavored induce the true pace in their life. It note mare of dust called so but in fact it is a lovely powder of life giving herb, which allays the host of all attendant ills of mundane existence.

The splendor of gem in the form of nails on the feet of blessed preceptor unfolds divine vision in the heart by its much thought. The luster disperses the shades of infatuation, highly blessed is he in whose bosom it shines.

With the very appearance of the bright eyes of the mind get opened; the attendants evils and sufferings of the night of mundane existence disappears; the gems and rubies in the shape of glories of great lord, both patent and hidden, come to light to facilitate the world of true vision.

May lord bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.