Sunday, March 23, 2008

conscious & care

Hare Rama___
Covered by dense lotus leaves the water could not be easily discerned, even as the attribute less Brahma is not perceived when veiled by ignorance [illusion]. All the fish that their abode in the fathomless water of the lake were uniformly happy, even as the virtuous ever pass their days peacefully as per the quotes of saints on for life.

A delightful breeze, which was naturally cool, gentle and fragrant by nature brings the life to a fruitful pause is too a family of illusion which may drag the life to the other side if conscious and care left apart.

It is not bad to enjoy the cool mode of illusion but continuous conscious & care is must to be on right pace to attain the ultimate glory of life as final beatitude.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.