Wednesday, May 7, 2008

life & the god

The whole universe is the body of lord and he is supreme soul of this universe is the universal truth. Soul is the fraction of supreme which exist in a mass or body to carry on with as life.

Life always remains connected to the supreme in its very form at every stage of life is the bare fact on to life, supreme knows it well but soul under the influence of illusion remains bare.

Soul and supreme is same as that of rivers {soul] and the ocean {supreme}. Ocean {supreme} is the source of rivers {soul} and ocean is the ultimate destination of rivers.

It is change of change of stages, vaporization in the form of clouds to reaches at the sky on the lust of being elevated, reaches at the most elevated mode and start running to a ultimate destination but with lot of hurdles their in.

It is a journey, so is the life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.