Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It is the mind which is controlling factor of both peace and unrest in life. Vedic wisdom has elaborated the meaning of peace in manifold that peace is the essence of life.

One has to train his mind to conquer the peace in life. Peace be the language of life if true meaning of life has to attain here on.

There is nothing but yoga is the answer to train the mind. Meditation is the next step to capture the pace of mind.

In ved path there is special stream of notes which brings the peace to life through a mare chanting the note.

The essence of basic note is so define in self that peace be the personality of life and it exist from every quarter of nature their in.

The celestial bodies in the firmament exist in harmony; harmony permeates space, earth, water, herbs and foliage.

May lord bless the life to lead it for ultimate peace their in life.

Thanks please.