Saturday, January 28, 2023

Entrances to Palace

 Jai Sri Ram,

The beauty of the city surpassed description, every inch of it was soul captivating, there was a lovely bazaar and gorgeous balconies made of jewels, fashioned as it were by the creator with his own hands, wealthy and good merchants, who vied with Kubera, the god of wealth, sat with all their various goods,

beautiful crossings of roads and charming streets were constantly sprinkled with center waters. houses were all abodes of bliss ad contained beautiful wall paintings portrayed, as it were, by Rati's Lord cupid himself, people of the city with smart and good-looking, The palace of the king was marvelous,

 Entrances to Palace were secure and beautiful beyond words, with spacious stables and stalls for elephants, crowded, the king had a number of brave ministers and generals, lakes and rivers at the outskirts glorifying the beauty, grooves were agreeable in every manner, 

The Sage said to Rama, I like this orchid stay here, Rama said very well, my Lord, when the king got the news, he took with him his faithful ministers and number of warriors, noble brahmans, his family preceptor Sadanand thus went forth rejoicing to meet the prince of sages,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please