Sunday, September 17, 2023

four days rolled by

 Jai Sri Ram,

In this way four days rolled by, and the people on both sides were gratified to see Rama,, The echo was sounding that it would not be good to return without Rama,

People enjoy the proximity of Rama as if better than the heaven city of Amravati, the privilege of living by this is not just a good fortune but much more than this though being in exile,

Thrice bath in Mandakini and the glimpse of Sri Rama was gratifying to the soul at its most, The hermitage of ascetics nearby was a mystic charm for the spirit, yet a cavity in the heart about unforeseen,

Kaushalya collected herself and addressed in mild ascents to the queen of Mithila, affection was flowing in the heart of queens about the truth of the event and their hidden desire to take back Rama to Ayodhya, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please