Monday, November 13, 2023

Said the Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said the Rama, in obedience to the command of our father, two brothers called in the name of Rama and Laxman, had a pretty and delicate girl, Sita, who had been carried away by some demon, in quest of her We are wandering here, 

O Holy Brahman, we have furnished our truth, now tell us about your story of why you have attained this garb of a Brahman, 

Hanuman fell prostrate in the lotus feet of Rama recognizing his master, a thrill ran to his body, after recollecting his self Hanuman said, it is quite fit for me to ask you about you being in the sway of your Maya but how is it that you are asking like a mortal about me,

My Lord, I have many faults, let not the servant be cast into oblivion by the master,  a servant depends on his master, as the child on its mother, so saying Hanuman manifested in his own form of Monkey, then lord lifted him and clasped him to his bottom, said, you are twice dear to me as Lazmana, everyone says that I maintained a same eye for all but a devotee is excessively dear to me,

May lord bless all,

Thanks, please