Wednesday, January 10, 2024

fourth night of the bright half of a lunar month

 Jai Sri Ram,

It was such a contingency that itself presented before Ravana, they all extolled him only on his face,

Perceiving it to be an opportune hour, Vibhishan, Ravana's younger brother arrived, bowed his head at the feet of Ravana, once more acquired his seat, when ordered to speak, addressed by his own light, 

As Your gracious Majesty has asked me my opinion, I tender it, according to my light and my interest, let him who seeks after his welfare, good reputation, wisdom, and a good destiny hereafter and joys of various kinds turn his eyes away from the brow of another's wife even one should refuse the see the Moon on the fourth night of the bright half of a lunar month,

Even though a man happened to be the sole lord of the fourteen spheres, he would certainly fall if he turned hostile to living beings, no one will speak well of a man who has the slightest advance even if he were an ocean of virtues and cleaver too,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please