Thursday, February 1, 2024

makes Ravana furious

 Jai Sri Ram,

As soon as Vibhishan proceeded towards Rama, Ravana sent spies after him, assuming the false appearance of monkeys they witnessed all the doings of Rama, praised eternally, and openly commenced applauding Sri Rama's amiability, in the intensity of their emotions they forgot to maintain their disguise,

Recognized in their own form monkeys caught hold of them and bring to Laxman, they sought refuge in Rama and praised Rama as well, Laxman rescued them from the monkeys and sent them back with a message to Ravana, 

Covey to the fool my words a generous message for him, Surrender Sita and make peace or your awaits you, bowing their heads spies returned to Ravana and related the whole episode unto the truth of Rama and refuge of Vibhishna in his mercy,

They praise the glory of Rama which makes Ravana furious, and then they reveal the truth of warriors on that side with their immeasurable might and velour, and the story of how Rama made Vibhishan the king of Lanka by putting a mark of sovereignty on his forehead, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please