Friday, February 2, 2024

turns demon by the curse of sage

 Jai Sri Ram,

Spies relate the reality to Ravana that there are so many monkeys and bears there and they are born warriors and truth of infinite might that roared to devour Lanka and above all they have on their head Rama,

Then they read the message sent by Laxman to Ravana, O fool do not bring your race to utter ruin, you will not spared even though you seek the protection of Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva, 

Therefore abandoning pride like your brother either seek the lotus feet of the lord or be consumed with your family like a moth into the fire of Sri Rama's shaft, this made Ravana dismayed at heart lastly spies request him to return Sita to Rama for his own welfare,

This makes Ravana furious beyond all horizon and he kicks the spy and discards him at once, the Spy named Suka bows his head to Ravana and proceeds to Rama thereby making obeisance in his lotus feet and returns to his hermitage, was a saint who turns demon by the curse of sage August, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please