Friday, May 10, 2024

Sri Akshaya Tithi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Akshaya Tithi today a day with difference, day to rejoice eternally more than to indulge in outward celebrations, most viable day from the laps of sacred Baisakh, day to enlighten self with light of love and tender care from the truth of Lord Vishnu,

Day may help aspirants for infinite material gains but it is a defined day to indulge in fair evolution of self just through being in refuge of Lord Vishnu,

Japa, meditation, and prayers on the day have its own merits to invite Lord Vishnu, but eternal feeling in love with lotus feet of Lord Vishnu is unparalleled reality of the day to make it,

In Sri Vrindavan, this day is taken as anything, devotees chocked the lanes of Vrindavan to recall the Krishna, Charan Darshan of Sri Bankey Bihari Lal ji, is event of the year to enjoin with faith and submission, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please