Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hare Rama____

Vedic sandhya[prayer] matters to life a lot, as Vedic teachings are not restricted to any community it belongs to all who so ever wish to bless through the wisdom of knowledge on the subject of life. It is glory of the supreme which brings the life close to him through the wisdom of ancient books so called Vedas.

In Vedas yoga is taken as main pillar & post to establish the value of human life. Prayer their in makes it so nice to reach at its ultimate glory. Pranayaam is taken as a prayer too their in as it coordinates the body & mind together to bring it to self to attain the wisdom of truth abut the supreme with all ease.

Vedic sandhya elaborate the chanting of mantra Om, the one of the assumption of god. It is a comprehensive form of omnipresent god. One who is giver of life, remover of pains and sorrows and bestower of happiness? He is creator of universe & most luminous one, purest among and adorable too, who inspire the life to its right course let the life realize this bare fact to adore him at heart to react at with its true glory.

May god bless the life for its true meaning?

Thanks please