Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hare Rama___
Realization in life as human is must. Human life is a great achievement in itself and passing this gem even with out realizing the same is missing something great on the subject of life.

Self purification is an essential mode for self realization. Self purification is the base of self realization. Purification of self could have many dimensions but fair state of mind is of prime concern.

Basically it’s our acts which matters to purify the life, it is our thoughts which makes the difference their in. our life style and perception for the events in life have a greater role inflict on the life on its state of affair.

Yoga & meditation is main pillar & post for purification of life to anticipate the life in its true pace with true mode of realization.

Self surrender to divine grace is the best & the easiest mode to erase the impurities of mind & life their in.

May god bless all on the subject of true life.

Thanks please.