Friday, December 31, 2010

Time is watching one and all

Many persons who live seemingly indifferent life that full of evil deeds in this incarnation are getting many rewards by way of riches, good health, long life and like wise, obviously, they cannot be receiving these rewards as a result of their present action it is deeds of far past in ways of virtues that reflects one aspects about the law of karma.

Newly born baby can hardly have performed any action but faces the script of life on varying cords on the sphere of fate. Law of karma is not so easy to understand nor does the verdict of time, time unfold its card like mystic strange.

Few deeds reflect immediately on the cord of life. Few deeds reflects at later date as must both runs on the cord of karma with heaving limited free will to correct script of karma one possesses along with. But still god blesses one to realize the truth unto deeds and the result of the deeds and take course to modify to an extent within permissible norm of karma.

Law of karma is supreme, if any one cheating the pious one and saintly soul simply means cheating self alone as time is watching all and waiting to react, if any one creating problems for others on the cord of lust and greed simply means they are writing a script which will not be even acceptable to them self when it results in on the cord of justice by the law of karma.

Time is watching one and all, one needs to be wakeful while to interact with deeds in the journey of life. This journey of life is to enjoy the life in true spirit with smile, not to cheat others on the cord of lust and greed. Harmony, peace and truth must be placed right on top in agenda for life to make the human life a success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The immortalizing nectar

The one wanders in quest for undue lust and greed meet the fate of those repent on losing the valuables in the hands of cheat. Most valuable asset is the human life where in lies the nectar of immortality.

The immortalizing nectar is contained within all, yet the ignorant one, knowing not how to manifest and take advantage of, constantly assailed by sufferings. Only through spiritual practice in obedience to the true saints of era can this nectar be extracted and bliss of immortality be realized; the very cause of salvation.

God is almighty tree, the support on which vine of soul spreads in care of true Gardner none other than true living master. Once attain its real status it bear fruits of immortality. Immortal vine if planted else where without tangible support and proper care will not yield fruits of immortality.

Soul is high breed best quality immortal vine that needs support of the supreme with care of true living master to reach at the ultimate motto of being human.

Flickering mind raise the questions from life about the subjection of hunger, meeting the fate of cold and hot of the body qualities, saints elaborate it in nut shell that withdraw the mind within, bring it to the true centre all; queries will cease to self. Resources to meet the Basic requirement will manifest and path of eternal joy will be enlightened on the plane of heart.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

love alone

It is really very tough to love some we have not seen and it is a must factor to reach at self to love God. Saints teach the necessity of heaving profound love for god. God can only be attained through love alone-divine love.

Indeed material worlds also reflects the same quotes for attainment but. Love to god is the path to reach at. Love to God is the media to interact with.

Indeed God is not a subject matter of mundane vision but it is inner vision that makes one to realize his very presence along with.

Indeed god has manifested in many form, of course the whole creation is the form of God in one aspect of the subject. Times speaks the truth of aeon that love his creation to love the God is the first step on the path.

Human is limited by their mind and cannot perceive an entity above the mind, being infinite, therefore, cannot be perceived by human-let human just walk on the path of love and that will be more the enough to recall the infinite that can perceive the love of finite along with.

Human tendency is learn from fellow being beings and nature but a lot can also be learn from the self alone through the infinite storehouse inside through concentration and meditation and all will concludes to the one pointed note the love alone is the way to reach at.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

path of spirituality

There are so many paths in life that leads one to destiny of karma but the path of spirituality. There are many paths and many teachers but the Sat-Guru. Each path fulfills a particular purpose in the journey of life.

God has created this path of spirituality for aspirants that want to meet him and have manifested saints to enlighten the path with the grace of God. Teaching of true saints can never cheat any one in the journey of life but delusive modes of illusion may leads one the way other.

Teaching of true saints is the right path in the journey of life. One needs to live a truthful and moral life with wakeful state and teaching of saints helps.

The path of spirituality is the path of love that divine love, Love that treats life and nature with care, Love that celebrate truth at its ether base, love that keeps uninterrupted longing for ultimate soul mate.

The path of spirituality needs one to be sober and matured with at it’s optimize pitch. When one starts to walk on the path of spirituality, the downwards tendency of mind gradually cease and destroyed make one spiritually strong and upwards tendencies of mind then be free to bring out best for final beatitude.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, December 27, 2010


To reach at the true spiritual nature of self one needs to make an escape from the cord of false ego. Ego is prime barrier that separates us from our true spiritual nature. Ego and submission are the two faces of the same coin. Ego indicates illusion but submission reflects truth.

To develop spirituality one needs to side track ego from life. Greed lust anger selfishness is all tributaries of ego.

Freedom from ego makes one feel subtle, light, easy, and free and define to self on the cord of spiritual nature.

Indeed difficult because mostly it appears with situation and environment but still through the practice of truth in life one can make it liberate self from ego.

Ego is subject matter of mind and submission usually relates heart. Mind dominates the life and its wavering tendency towards out and down makes it miserable for one on the cord of life. Those who succeed in overcoming the dominance of mind make it to reach at the path of submission that enlightens the pace of spirituality.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Loving God is reality

Loving God is reality that is known as the truth that leads one to the highest wisdom and highest goal that a human can ever achieve in life. Without faith love is beyond reach. One needs to strengthen faith in God on way to love him at its best.

Faith in God is the strength of love one keeps for. More the faith one keeps that increases the potency of love one keeps at heart. Faith in god is the strength of devotees that loves God.

There is no one as benevolent as that of God. There no one as beautiful as that of God. There is no one as kind and merciful as that of God. No one can afford to compare the glory of God.

God alone is the constant companion and true one too. He remains ever ready to take up one in his bosoms at the time of need. This universe is creation of God and life is a part only. He manifest in any of the cord of his creation to bless the life with need.

It is god alone that assumed all the forms visible or else one. Whatever is being done is nothing but a sport of his will. He is sporting with himself and one needs to appreciate his sport on the cord of love.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Association plays vital role in life, as association with saintly soul makes one to liberate from the bondage of cycle of birth and rebirth where as the association of ignorant makes one to put in trap of transmigration.

Saintly soul adore the truth at its best, never ride on the cord of ego, tries to pitch the sound at is optimize pace while interacting others, courtesy rules their life, true smile for others and silent sorrow for self if any, they grieve to see the other’s distress and rejoice at the sight of others joy.

Saintly soul mostly remains even minded even in indifferent span of life and look upon non as their enemy, free from vanity and undue passions, tender hearted and compassionate by nature, modest and lover of God.

Ignorant bear enemy towards all without rhyme or reason, devoted to sensuality, anger, greed and arrogance and behaves inimically even with those who are actively kind to them. Falsehood is their life from day to night, speaks honey words but keeps the heart of dangerous snake.

Ignorant malevolent by nature, they enjoy others wives and wealth and take delight in slandering others are vile and sinful men demons in human garb. In kali age they are in bulk and one need to be careful from them.

Better be late than never, associate saintly soul to make the life meaningful at its best to attain the sole purpose of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, December 24, 2010


There are four kind of devotees as per the quotes of ancient books, one that is afflicted and take the course of devotion, one who is seeker and wish to reach at the truth of and take the course, one excessively greedy to earn the wealth of mundane existence and take the course of devotion and the one who is enlighten and now wish to submit self on the course for final beatitude.

All of them are four clever they are and rely on the name of lord at its foremost and of theses the enlighten devotee is especially dear to lord.

Mystics who are full of dispassion and are detached from the varying modes of mundane existence keep awake through their mode of realization unto self and the supreme in the light of wisdom, use the name of lord to enlighten the inner chamber and enjoy the felicity of absolute which is incomparable unspeakable unmixed with sorrow and devoid of name and form.

Seekers of truth who aspire to mysterious ways of providence are able to comprehend them o the cord of devotion. Strivers absorbed in contemplation and become accomplished acquiring power to reach at that is difficult for the ordinary one.

Any one if in distress take shelter or take refuge in god, their worst calamities of the gravest type disappear and they become happy in the world by the grace of God. Glory of lord is supreme to help the one and all on the cord of life. Almighty god is gracious enough to help the life in disinterested ways.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

choose the right one

Numerous peoples are born and die with the pace of Maya but rarely few souls accompany an incarnation of God in order to do his work in true spirit. Attachment to the world is not bad at all but it must be in true spirit not on the cord of undue lust and greed.

It needs that one must attach to the world at it’s optimize pitch with wakeful state. Those remain free from undue attachments on the cord of life enjoy it better than others truly.

As for those who depend upon God and have faith in him and his mercy, well, that it self is their prayer.

It is to make a note from the teachings of nature that water always flows downwards, yet sun’s rays suck it upwards to the sky and mind unless or until supported through tangible support of truth naturally tends downwards with the force of ignorance-it suffers; but the mercy of God turns it upwards.

Desire paves the path for if it happens for submission in the lotus feet of lord emancipation is inevitable if keeps longing for sensual pleasures transmigration is inevitable. Better to choose the right one to make escape from bondage of illusion.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This universe is a beautiful state and God is crest-jewel of kings. God has manifested in many forms that is infinite in number to decorate the beauty of this world. The most beautiful creation of God is life on the planet in varying forms to experience the love and truth for individual soul.

Both aspects of life belongs to god alone, either is a day or night, birth or rebirth, joy or sorrow and this needs realization in broad-spectrum.

One thing is very special about the god that he is compassionate by nature and protector of the suppliant. Devotees adore God to attain the wisdom of truth unto self and his mercy.

Indeed deeds of delusive potency of god so called Maya is indifferent on the cord of life but all the sports are on continues watch by the god to justify the deeds at respective time. Nature follows the life long till dead end-no body can escape from the reach of nature-nature is identical media of god to trace one and all.

Mercy of god paves the path for welfare of one and all in both the worlds. Those regarded by the mercy of God remains free from the orbit of three fold affliction. Mercy of god is the subject matter of truth and adoration of truth in true spirit.

That love god is rewards of their virtues deeds in past and those love the god attain all the four stages of consciousness in life at its true pace to make an fair interaction with supreme spirit on the plane of heart.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Those remain attached to the supreme spirit through true cord of devotion never indulge in wicked practices of delusion. Those attached to the self in true spirit remains aware unto truth of the material and the spiritual world. Those attached to the Maya are subjected to the waves of ocean on high and low tides.

Ego centered in the genetic system gives sense of individuality that keeps self apart from supreme, growth on the path of spirituality makes one reach above the stage of ego.

Human needs to track the path of love and survive to make the life smile on the planet and is the will of lord. One needs to discard undue greed and lust in favor of mankind and harmony to reach at the truth of self. Wealth attained wicked modes of life helps ego to grow; devotion with all faith makes one to reach at the stage of submission free from ego.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Attitude and personality pays a lot in life, both are inter-related. Fair interaction with life at all junctions irrespective of hardship counts perfect attitude that define the personality of concern. Attitude must lead welfare of one and all in true spirit.

Truth of self reflects mostly through attitude one keeps for life. Truth is prime subject to adore with, sustain and for paving the path for here after. It is always best to track truth, indeed nothing is better than truth but

An utterance which is conductive to the well-being of all creatures is one of the best forms of truth. Truth must be used to establish the truth at its true form. There is no place of ego and pride in fair attitude.

Please and thank you must be the part of interaction on the cord of fair life. Eternal smile must be the part of fair interaction in truthful attitude. Patience and limited script of speech to the point paves the path for fair attitude.

Attitude that causes injury to others in direct and indirect mode must be avoided in all forms. Attitude full of courtesy makes life smile, words sounding with pleasing pitch needs to follow the attitude of fair life.

Vile fellows on the cord of life may impact hard to disable the attitude even of pious one, still it will be better to avoid situation in the interest of environment concern for present but is also true that though one may take infinite pains in watering a plantain it will not bear fruits until it is hewed, vile fellow heeds no prayer but yields only on reprimand.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

hide and seek

Temptation of undue sense pleasure is a tool of Maya to trap one for long on the cord of joy and sorrow. Joy that one look for world does not endure. Divine joy is the prime subject of spirit especially on the cord of human profile.

One needs to realize the real truth unto joy that can never be a joy which conclude with a suffering. Yearn for which that is ever lasting. Human cannot afford let the ignorance rule it; God alone is the true reality though far from naked eyes but ultimate truth to believe and his realization is true mean of eternal joy.

The joy lies in the play of hide and seeks with the ultimate soul mate on the plane of heart. The real love of one cosmic inherit is playing hide and seek with truth self and purity of heart and mind to experience his very present along with.

Life on the mundane plane is like a dream of ignorance, wakeful state is the life is to realize the pristine relation with ultimate soul mate. Infinite in finite is life, infinite is finite is bondage, infinite is spirit and finite is body, lord of three sphere resides in along with but hide and seek.

Mystic make it to reach at through power of their austerity and penance, pious make it to reach at with truth of their deeds, saints make it to reach at with the truth of submission.

It is not hard to reach at but truth of self is the subject either through virtues deeds or through austerity and penance or through submission. Better be late than never.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, December 20, 2010

success follows along with

God is omnipresent and omniscient, supreme ruler of all the three spheres is beyond reach for ignorant but those on the path of truth find him along with. Indeed path of life may have hurdles but realization can make one visualize the grace of god along with on the path of truth.

God is true friend of one and all, who want nothing from any one in return but always remains along with and guides truly, those on wakeful state of life realize his grace those ignorant tern their face apart from.

One needs to realize the power of god within to do anything but on the cord of truth as God is supreme truth. It lies within one’s reach to change the circumstances on the strength of divine grace just by realization unto power of god.

For success in life one needs to repose faith in the grace of god at its foremost, that helps in awaken the power of self on the strength of that grace. There is no hurdle in life that cannot get rid of, there is no hurdle in life that cannot cross over, and there is no situation in life that is beyond control if one keeps faith in power of almighty God.

When one make it to reach at the point to have faith in the grace of god and begin to act in conformity with the divine will, all divine forces will start helping and success follows along with.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Name of God

Name of God is most tangible support in sufferings of life. Name of God is the true friend in distress. Name of God is comprehensive help in need. Name of lord is redeemer from the ocean of the mundane existence.

Name alone makes feel one close with God. Name alone act as savior in the battlefield of mundane existence. Name alone is the great help on the path of truth. Name is divine wealth that helps in both worlds.

Name alone is the immediate help of God in distress. It gives relief beyond measure in suffering. In loneliness it gives the best company to the concern.

All treasures accompany the name of God. When the name of lord dwells in it reflects eternal joy beyond measure, it reveals the radiance, merges one into its luster and one feel the divine light.

As one chant the name negative energy escapes out of life, purity paves in with positive energy.

Name is the lamp that dispels the dark of delusion. With the help of name spirit ascends to God here after. Name blesses one with immortal nectar to immerse in for final unison.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Saturday, December 18, 2010

real nature of self

The entire visible universe including animate and inanimate, feeling of min and your, the vault of the heaven and the subterranean region, animal and the birds, creature under the earth, in water and else where, trees, vegetation mounts and depression, gods and demons, human being and giants and so one are projection of delusive potency of God so called Maya.

Loss and gain, honor and ignominy, praise and else never belongs to individual as its sole feature that is creation of Maya for sports designated for the reason beyond perceive by the faculties of mind.

Spirit is ever pure at its true process of being self but on subjection to Maya reflects on the cord of mundane features. Among all creatures human is blessed to make a path way for self apart from the delusive potency of Maya to merge in the supreme spirit, the ultimate destination for one and all.

One needs to realize the true nature of self that is truth at its best, consciousness on full wakeful state, and eternal peace beyond measure, bliss higher than any unison. Birth-death, age- disease, growth-decay are the properties pertaining to the body. Eternal truth ever remain same that of its real but illusion make it feel as that of changes in define state of life, waking dream, sleep and transcendent.

Other species hardly have faculty to develop love for God, the rout for reaching at true self. One needs to keep the basic agenda of life to develop love for god to attain the true self above all other agendas of mundane existence. It is in no case a impossible task, here it needs just realization unto real nature of self which is positively and eternally accomplished fact.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, December 17, 2010

truthful life

Human life is most precious beyond measure and one need to live in true spirit truthfully in all respect. Realization is the pillar and post for a truthful life. Truthful life needs truthful attitude and fair thoughts in disinterested manner.

Truthful life must match the pitch with the pitch of nature; a life close to nature is bound to be truthful at its best. It is not good to fatigue oneself too much either bodily or mentally is golden rule to adore with in true spirit.

Essence of the truthful life is not to harm others in any form and one live a life must be free from undue lust and greed. Fair interactive mode is the basic impression of truthful life. Charity must be the part of life to make it truthful at varying stages of life.

Fair means of livelihood reflects on the truth of life, not to earn money at the cost of others pain and suffering, not to earn money by cheating others, not to earn money through the helplessness of others. One can not afford to exploit others on their varying compromising chapters to make money.

One needs to be generous to all living beings to track a truthful life. One needs to shear knowledge to help the neediest on the subject for truthful life. One needs make self ready to embrace the truth in its all form-truth is adore with in truthful life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sat guru

Life on the planet is still a mystery hard to reach at by the common man but those take refuge in the lotus feet of true saints make it to reach at the truth of life, self and the creator.

True saints have inner vision that makes them see through and reach at the truth of mystery the surrounds the life on the planet. Splendor of the celestial regions is there within self but needs a vision to reach at and sat guru provides it.

Sat guru hints aspirants to found the secret of supreme state within. Varied aspects of the mystery and the secret of the unspoken words are unraveled by them.

With grace of true master all afflictions go, and he gives deliverance from the anguish of this world and here after. One needs to have faith in true living master to reach at the mystery of self and the supreme.

Rarely few surrender self in true spirit to realize the primeval being. Those make it to merge their ego in the sound current blessed by the sat guru realize the truth that is hard to reach at.

It is the blessings of sat guru that filled the pot of aspirants with love and delight to make it to the path of final beatitude. Yearning for the supreme takes its true pitch and right direction to make it ultimately by the grace of true saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

soul and the happiness

As per the quotes of saints soul is fraction of supreme, is a ray of the divine sun, a drop from the great ocean of peace and bliss from which it departed long ago for the reason best known to God alone.

Since this separation it has known nothing but thirst that results pain and depression on the waves of longing on the various cords of life. No one is happy in the bondage of illusion and body is the cell of prison maintained by the delusive potency of supreme.

The soul, descended into physical body, has become tied with mind that hardly dies, whose love of sensual pleasure has made it a veritable slave of senses. It has degenerated and lost its original identity of the state of peace and bliss and totally forget its heavenly origin and suffer all kind of miseries.

In search of happiness it further gets trapped in the net of sorrow on the cord of delusion. Every one is in search of happiness but needs true direction attitude and right source. Any thing could only be found in its source alone, as oil in the seed, butter in the milk, image in the mirror, fire in the wood, fragrance in the flower, light in the sun so does the true happiness lies in self at inner cord.

With the grace and guidance of perfect living master one can attain the true motive of being human, secret of macrocosm within microcosm revealed on the plane of heart by the grace of true living master.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

god is love and love is God

Indeed truth is god so is love; it is said god is love and love is God, to experience the feeling of God one needs to fill the heart with love. Love binds the man in true spirit and lead unto the source of being is as true as any thing.

Love upholds and sustains the human relation. One needs to adore love if wish to tread the path of God. To achieve noble emotion it needs love at is fairest mode.

One needs to spread love to attain the true meaning of human on the cord of life. One needs to love the creation of God at its foremost, one needs to love the nature, one needs to love the fellow beings and at its extreme mode one needs to love God.

If one needs to experience the eternal joy, fill the heart with love, dispel the dark of hatred. One needs to learn the love in disinterested way to the creation of God if wish to reach at the Glory of lord.

Love alone is capable of creating better understanding on the cord of realization. Love has all the qualities to conquer the anger and agonies. This world needs love to smile in true spirit. Love has all that features to conquer the fear of change over.

Love needs no mimic show it needs inner feelings with silent mode, sacrifice enlighten the pace of love. To attain the spiritual progress in life it needs heart full of love. Self surrender is one of the finest mean of divine love.

Love makes one hopeful and induces positive energy to life. Love gives the meaning to life. Love is a divine mode. Love is a celestial stream. Love is perfect note of celestial melodies. Lord of the three sphere manifest in the heart full of love to experience the fragrance of love.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, December 13, 2010

holy name

The repetition of the holy name is the truest and simplest technique to make human life success at its ultimate mode. Chanting of divine name writes the script for ultimate welfare of one for both worlds.

The repetition of holy names in uninterrupted manner but with love and devotion makes one to attain the wisdom of true light that known as divine light; one thereby transcends one’s body and is transported to the realms of light.

The chanting of name is not just an easy pass alone; it is a divine mode to match the pitch of celestial notes that connects the sound current to its basic source. Whatever one does and whatever one happens to be; one is asked to be a sacrifice unto his name and to have ardent longing to behold him on the cord of celestial melodies.

Infinite sinners have been purified by chanting the holy name alone, one to capitalize the opportunity before it is too late, one need to dedicate self to God while body is in good condition, else later, when body and mind are worn out it left alone repent nothing else.

Better be late than never, one needs to repeat the holy name with pangs of separation, sing its glory with love and devotion to attain the wisdom of being true human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, December 12, 2010

True saints

True saints pave the path for true life. True saints enlighten the pace of life. True saints give the meaning to life. True saints purify the heart and mind to make one ready for final beatitude.

Qualities of true saints cannot be describe in words but still life speaks from the cord of experience that they have qualities that holds the infinite one, master of six passions lust anger greed infatuation pride and jealousy.

By nature true saints are sinless, disinterested, firm, possessing nothing, pure, full of bliss, desire less, moderate in diet, inspired and learned and always united with supreme spirit.

True saints always remains free from all kind of prides, strong minded, simple with infinite calm smile for one and all. They are abode of virtues, above the sorrows of world and free from doubts, feel delighted to hear praise of pious and true one.

Guileless by nature and loving, given over to prayer austerity control of saints master of self denial and religious observances, devoted to the lord with optimized pace of life, always keeps the heart for service for the cause, never take recourse to hypocrisy, pride or arrogance ever engaged in the praise of ultimate soul-mate. The glimpse of such saints washes out the blemishes of heart and mind.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, December 11, 2010


God is supreme reality and one needs to understand it in simple way. True saints reflect unto truth what one need to know, suited to the times in which one live and one should suppose to be content with the knowledge they impart.

Seekers may raise questions unto reality of supreme truth and there will be infinite fold of question answer but at last will stand with a question. Contentment is the subject to complete the cycle.

Indeed God has created this universe consist of animate and inanimate for the purpose best known to him alone. Soul is fraction of supreme spirit as per the quotes of true saints. Drops of water belongs to water alone, they may vaporize for a while but ultimately will merge in water when they attain same form.

Indeed god has projected himself into the entire creation and also manifested in the form of human precisely to facilitate the human to attain the form of God.

Those seeker on the path of truth needs to know in simple way that_
God is omnipresent and at every moment present all over yet one need to reach at
God is without form yet one needs to worship in form to attain contentment
God is beyond any form of praise, yet one needs to praise God

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, December 10, 2010

cosmic abode

The entire universe represents the cosmic body of God and every being is part of it. One needs to think twice on the cord of deeds in life that whatever one performs that directly relates to God. Deeds must match the profile of truth at its best to please the God.

Every one belongs to almighty god therefore one can never afford to do anything even by mistake which does not contribute to the good of all.

The one who nurse hatred and ill-will against other, harm others, disrespect others, cheats others, in fact harming self at its ultimate mode; such men are pity and deserve compassion.

In fact real enemy of one lies within evil thoughts one keep at mind. Forgiveness must rule the life at its best in true spirit.

One needs to understand it in clear version that_
Love begets love
Service promotes the spirit of service
Hatred stimulates hatred

The more one loves the life in true spirit disinterestedly find God very close with-hatred distant self from god. Proximity to God develops the easiness to perceive him and find his divine grace every where in his cosmic abode.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 9, 2010

remember the God

One need to remember the God and feel obliged of his merciful caring nature on the subject of life. It is God alone is giver of life. It is god alone is savior. God alone is true guardian of life on the planet and one need to realize all this in wakeful state with lot of thanks before it is too late.

God has created this beautiful world and life in this glorious world for individual soul to experience the true self on the cord of eternal bliss. To attain a life in any of the specie it just needs mercy of merciful lord. Being a human on the cord of life is pure blessings of God.

It is God that moves all along with and help at every step in inner and outer orbit of life. It is god that makes one to meet the ultimate soul mate face to face on the cord of life as human.

God protects man in his most agonizing state in the womb of mother, and at that time he makes the pledge to God that he will remember him at all times and will never be attached to Maya but.

Miseries of life are simply reminder to the individual about the commitment made by one on the subject concern. One needs not to forsake god, the giver of life. One needs to devote to the God for his highness.

One needs to be thankful to God in all circumstance with humble mode. This life alone is not the end of road and even after it one needs God more than any thing else as it needed here.

One need to keep faith in the mercy of God and thanks him for obliging one on the cord of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

kali age

Kali age may have many indifferent features on the cord of life but there is no other age as that of kali age which is most suited to final beatitude. Final emancipation is possible in this age without much exertion.

All the other three ages have its own merits but kali age has blessed the life with easiest mode of chanting the name to cross over the ocean of transmigration.

In this age men reach the end of mundane existence simply by singing the praise of lord with true heart. In this age neither yoga nor the sacrifices nor spiritual wisdom but one’s only hope in hymning lord’s praise

Fondly chant the Praise of lord makes one undoubtedly crosses the ocean of transmigration. The power of name is thus manifest in the kali age. The kali age possesses another sacred virtue: thoughts unto deeds of virtue are well rewarded but projected sins not punished.

If men keep faith in the glory of kali age-there is no other age equal to kali age; for in this age one can cross the ocean of transmigration simply by singing holy praises.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The soul is particle of divinity-immortal, conscious, untainted by Maya and blissful by nature; has allowed itself to be dominated by Maya and has been caught in its own trap-matter and spirit have been linked together with a knot that difficult to untie and since then soul become worldly.

Ancient books and sages have elaborated the subject to untie the knot but the knot, far from being resolved, becomes harder and harder with age. Interior of soul being clouded with the deeds hence make it even more difficult to untie the knot.

Self restraint, self surrender and many more religious merits that helps in on the subject but essence of the subject is to perceive divine light that needs truth of self at its best.

Self restraint on the cord of truthfulness though tough to adore with but by the grace of God and company of holy men make it feasible to reach at. Concentration of mind on the cord of yoga burns out the past of karma of both good and bad that neutralize the ego and self surrender emerge at in its purest state to untie the knot cause for transmigration.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

journey to enjoy the eternal bliss

Life on the planet is a journey to enjoy the eternal bliss-it is a journey to experience the true pace of pilgrimage. Indeed childhood youth age maturity and the old age are the major station of this journey, child age has its limitation and old age allowed limited to exercise on the subject.

One need to realize the truth of this journey before it is too late. So long the dread disease has not come-so long the compromising mode of old age has come, one need to realize the mercy of lord who has blessed individual soul with this unique opportunity of pilgrimage on the planet which is most beautiful of all.

One needs to earn religious merit in this journey through available means with. Performing charity in true spirit and for true cause pays a lot in both worlds. Chanting the name of lord optimize the pace of life in this journey to visualize the objects in the light of truth.

Wake before the end of journey and enjoy the life in true spirit, attain the motto to get liberate from the bondage of illusion. Fulfill the purpose of this journey that is salvation that is easily feasible by practicing concentration in wakeful state-be steadfast in the remembrance of God. Practice meditation with love; get immersed in glory of lord to this journey a success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, December 6, 2010

Name of god

Name of god represents the God in full-name itself act as God for those keep faith in name. Name of god is source of all, sustain all and is called the crest of jewel of all attainments.

It name alone from which the waves of true wisdom arises-from which the sound shoots forth. Spiritual insight emerges with the chanting of name with longing at heart at optimize pitch of life.

In the true name, it rests the world of immortal abode, where the lustrous form shines forth-with the chanting of true name one finds the essential truth unto self and contentment.

Those who are attuned to the true name of lord carried with it to the source which is the true one and ultimate destination of spirit. Five elements attain its respective position in body with the tuning of name of God to make experience the truth unto self.

Name of lord is redeemer from the ocean of mundane existence and carrier to cross over the other shore. True name of lord is Bestower of all bliss. All treasure of the world accompanies the true name of God; with the name-wish granting gem dwells within heart to make one achieve the supreme wealth that is unison.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Human birth

Human birth provides the opportunity to worship the lord and rarely few realize this bare fact of life. Cycle of birth and rebirth is really terrible with few exceptions, worship of lord makes one to reach at the stage of realization unto lord-realization of god liberates one from the bondage of illusion.

At first step one need to know about the worship and know about the glory of lord. Only one who himself is an adept in treading the path of true devotion can guide others in true spirit.

Those tread the path of devotion, graduate themselves with features of worship and the lord and those make it to reach at can help others to reach at.

Indeed infinite are the ways to perform worship but truthfulness in deeds of life and uninterrupted longing for lord is also among the path of worship that leads one to the ultimate one.

Glory of saints plays an important role to make one graduate on the path of realization in true spirit. Tiny seed of devotion sprouts and develop into mighty tree in the company of true saints.

Communion with true saints provides comprehensive help on the subject to utilize the human profile for a designated job.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, December 5, 2010

sandal wood and the axe

Of course, a good man has bias for goodness alone-while a vile person is prone to vileness; while nectar is praised for its immortalizing virtues, poison is extolled for its deadliest effects.

Wicked burn with jealousy as they hear of others welfare-be they their friend or relatives or close one-such is their wont-however fondly one may nurture a brood of crows-can one ever expect ravens to turn vegetarian-wise and true one on the subject of life never mind unto deeds of wicked but seek welfare of one and all.

The conduct of saintly soul and the wicked is analogous to that of sandal wood and the axe, axe cuts a sandal-tree, while the later in its turn perfumes the axe by imparting its virtues fragrance to it.

For this reason sandal wood in the form of paste finds its way to the head of Gods {their images} and loved by the world so much-while axe has its steel edge heated in the fire and beaten with a hammer as punishment. One need to learn from the deeds of life to make like more positive and virtues to attain best in both world.

May lord bless all.

break the chain

As god is omnipresent in this universe so the soul in the body but seated in the core center of heart experience all the feeling that exercised by the senses through sense organs. When the soul, after withdrawing self from the nine portals of the body, arrives at a point, it sees the luster of divine light through subtle mean.

Mystics resort to breath control and intricate physical ordeals but eye center is the key to door of divinity. Mystics go within and get engage in trade to collect the pebbles of wish and will rarely true one enter the chamber and enlighten it with flame of true name to meet him face to face.

Two eyes are just not for vision they are alike celestial streams, they also indicate on the inner vision they too pick the current essential for divine dive and place in-between is most fertile to take the crop of bliss.

Heaving accessed through deep shikha {centre of both eyes} soul with help of sound current enjoys the state of bliss. When soul enters in the zone of bliss divine melodies break the chain of transmigration.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


God alone is worth adoring in this ever changing, perishable and transient world. Human birth is rare boon to experience the realization unto god. To attain God realization is the path alone.

That who wallows in sense delights means missing the main chapter of being human. Indeed god is an embodiment of supreme bliss. Joy of this mundane existence is no real joy; soul being fraction of supreme seeks eternal joy that indicates bliss.

A seeker of blessedness will there be well advised to worship God alone uninterrupted with true spirit in disinterested way. God gratifies every desire of his worshipper in true manner if some how it appears indifferently on the cord of life that lays the supreme good for worshipper.

The God accords the foremost place to his worshipper irrespective of their motives; while he speaks of a disinterested worshipper as his own self. Devotees of god those worship him with faith disinterestedly eventually attain him.

However steeped in sin one may be, all of one’s sin are wiped off through worship of God and one attain supreme peace-chanting the name with optimize pitch at inner cord make it feasible to being one in the orbit of worshipper.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Service is prime subject on the cord of human profile for one and all. All human relationship are based on service otherwise they are illusive and nothing but mimic show. The whole life is dependent on others on varying cords-one need to repay the debts one own to others through service in humble mode.

Indeed service purifies heart and mind at its best if it is disinterested. The honest server should feel indebted to the served is as true as any thing. Pure service is its own rewards.
The privilege of true service is given by God in his grace.

Greatest service performed to earn fame is not equal to the simplest rendered without any self motive. True service dissolves the ego and makes one to attain the feeling of perfection.

On the cord of true service server feels the pains of others even more than that of concern. True service is not possible without feeling and realization at its true pitch. All actions of divine servant arise from and merge into feeling-there is no room for ego and pride in true service.

All acts of true dedicated and disinterested service are counted on the cord of worship.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Intense yearning

One need to prove self of the cord of love and true love needs a lot of sacrifices in life. One of the meanings of love is sacrifice. The essential requirement of true love is readiness to sacrifice one’s all including ego. True lover need to learn art of dying while living to prove so but in silent mode.

No coward can stand here-it is field of warriors. True lover keeps no desire other than the beloved. Indeed heart gets pierced by the arrows of love and endearment and really tough to bear it with smile to prove so.

Lover of God also called devotees on the track of life. The voice and eyes of lover of god pours down love-send stream of love through the road one passes-the very dust and breeze of the place one sanctifies by one’s presence begin to reflect love-love that full of mercy kindness and affection.

True lover of god speaks without words-his silence makes the difference to the environment-true lover of god indicates purity of heart and mind on interaction.

If one wishes to love the God-love his creation at its first step-then it needs to serve it disinterestedly without ego-submit self with smile along with longing for, makes one to reach at the cord of divine love that writes the script of unison. Intense yearning is the cause which makes beloved lord reveals himself.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, December 3, 2010


They are really great who make it to know about the all merciful lord that who cares his devotees for more then his own self, care the pious one as true guardian and help the neediest in different form as a great care taker.

Merciful lord is all pervading and all powerful Brahma. There is no place for doubt on way to reach at the glory of lord. Impure mind fails to make it to the truth of supreme one but pure mind make it to reach at the glory of lord with all ease.

Indeed unqualified absolute assume a qualified form to felicitate the devotees. It is love of devotees that make infinite to become finite to bless the devotees with their wish and will.

The charming names and virtues stories of almighty lord are endless but one spins under the influence of delusive potency with utterances of various kind.

Joy and grief, knowledge and ignorance, Egoism and pride are the characteristic of finite but lord is all pervading Brahma, supreme bliss personified most ancient being and creator of all.

No body in fact has been able to discover his beginning or ends but ancient books and saints have elaborate the subject that he walks without feet, hear without ear, perform actions without hand, enjoy taste without palate, most intelligent speaker even though devoid of speech, sees without eyes, feel without body, catches all odours without nose-his ways are super natural in every respect those with faith can make it to reach at, those chant the name with faith make it to cross the ocean of transmigration.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Mysterious are the ways of providence, really hard to reach at but it is very sure that he cares life all its best. Created law of karma and make it supreme for beings on the chapter of life.

Indeed joy and sorrows are being faced on the cord of life on varying subjects but one writes one’s own script for future.

No one is source of delight or pain to another in broad-spectrum, every one reaps the fruits of one’s own actions.

Union and separation, pleasurable and painful experience, friends foes and neutral are snares of delusion.

Even so birth and death, prosperity and adversity, destiny and time and all the illusive modes of this mundane existence; lands, houses, wealth or so are phenomena of this world; whatever is seen, heard and thought of mind has roots in ignorance for most of it-nothing exist in real mode-revolves round in the cord of ever changing modes.

Suppose in a dream a beggar is crowned king or lord of paradise reduced to the state of pauper; on waking, the one does not gain nor does the other lose anything-it the story of the world.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

glory of lord

The glory of lord is like a celestial stream that leads one to the ocean of bliss for final beatitude. The narratives of lord are a lovely wish-yielding gem and a graceful adornment for saintly wisdom.

The host of virtues possessed by lord is a blessing to world and the Bestower of liberation. Glory of lord itself is a true teacher if one wishes to learn the art of living in true spirit.

Glories of lord teaches all well on the wisdom, true form of dispassion and modes for unison and celestial physician for the disease of metempsychosis; seed of all true vows practice and observances; anti dots for sins, agonies and grief and beloved guardian for both worlds.

The exploits of lord are delightful to one and all even as the rays of the full moon; they are particularly highly beneficial to mind of the virtues.

Infinite is glory of lord-infinite are his virtues and dimensions of his story are also immeasurable, those with longing to reach at make it well on the meaning for self unto truth-feel no surprise when they hear it.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Almost all human virtues of sacrifice, sympathy, unselfishness and service are direct outcome of love. It is love that binds being to relation-human society and human relationship based on the core essence love.

All beings are in direct link with almighty god through his divine grace on the cord of love. God loves every being on the cord of life.

Human love leads one to divine love-one need to love and serve fellow beings as much as one can to prove self on the cord of human. Indeed every being is in the orbit of love as indicated by God but human is especial all the way.

Those put themselves in the frame of divine love get themselves fully established to overcome all human frailties.

Divine light is the subject of aspirant on the track to reach at but as they get merge in divine love-purpose achieved with all ease. Individual self merge in divine self on the cord of divine love.

Love makes one attain perfection-disinterested love makes one to attain the state of content-love heals even the grave wound of life.

Divine love is the path of final beatitude. Loves makes unison all well.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

true delight

One needs to seek true delight in life to establish self in supreme spirit. In broad classification there are three basic streams to delight_
The delight of transgression
The delight of sense gratification and
The delight of Godliness
The delight of godliness alone is meant for human profile if one wish to cross over the ocean of mundane existence.

Transgression is a terrible intoxicant that makes one get involved in error sees every thing reverse of what it actually is.

Sense gratification though appears attractive at first sight, ultimately proves baneful and drags one into cycle of metempsychosis.

Godliness consist in performing all one’s prescribed duties, whether high or low, imposed by one’s social order and stage in life, earning and spending of money, observing perfect continence, practicing devotion austerity meditation and other spiritual disciplines but truthfulness in wakeful state is must to feel the delights of godliness.

True undying and absolute delight which is perennial and perfect is found in god alone because God alone is real delight personified.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Non violence is highest religious merit as per the quotes of saints and one need to adore none violence at its best to make life smile. Hurting the sentiments of others is more than any violence on the cord of life. All kind of violence creates unrest in life that makes peace to escape, in absence of peace one cannot enjoy the life in true spirit.

Peace is must in life to experience the true self-peace is the essence of soul. To reach at the true meaning of being human one need to discard violence and adore peace. To experience the peace one need to make an escape from the deeds of violence. It is state of mind that indicates unto violence and peace-one need to train one’s mind to perceive the truth of peace and resists the modes of violence at its best. One needs to avoid violence with all possible means.

Proper use of force to uphold righteousness is not termed as violence. Proper use of force to uphold truth is not termed as violence. It is also true that though one may take infinite pain in watering a plantain it will not bear fruit unless it is hewed, similarly a vile fellow heeds no prayer but yields only on reprimand but violence must be avoided and peace must be prevail.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


One need to learn from nature-nature in fact is true guardian of one and all. Nature is true preceptor of life on the planet. In fact life belongs to nature. One needs to imbibe the best qualities of environment around to make life smile in true spirit.

One needs to respect the nature even more than mother. One needs to care nature even more than child. One need behaves reasonable good to nature while to interact with to reach at the true self.

Theory of birth and rebirth is well reflected by the nature in the form of sun rise and sunset-night follows by the day and day follows by the night. Life is not just passing time-it is to celebrate in true spirit with nature.

Nature never hurt any one-it always blesses all with fruits of joy and peace. Life is composition of matter and spirit-if there is true spirit, it will be eternal joy even in dark spell of life. Nature is best companion that last till end. One emerges from nature and merges in to regain the wakeful state of self.

To reach at true self one need to respect the nature-one need to serve the nature in true spirit-life belongs to nature-love the life and serves it disinterestedly to attain the true motive of being self.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, November 25, 2010

True service

Devotion is an infinite subject; in-depth story of devotion can not be restricted in words. In fact it is a comprehensive chapter of divine love and disinterested service. Realization is core essence of the subject that relates to awareness or wakeful state in silent mode.

True service and love both needs feelings at its ether base. Helping other is one thing and serving other is another. The heart of true servant vibrates with pain for the pain of others and his own happiness looks unto God alone, never to the world.

To serve is a high spiritual chapter but one can not afford to serve with hidden desire. All actions of the divine servant arise from and merge in feelings. Indeed true service lead to ultimate liberation-true servant does not run after the world; serve the world with thoughts unto to supreme spirit with smile at inner core.

For the true spiritual aspirants service is a ritual of life culminates in union with divine; his whole life has to be lived for the sole purpose of service to fellow beings, as an offering to the divine.

There is no room for inferiority or superiority in life of true servant of lord-true servant of lord never indulge in any activity as such that cause pain to others either for pleasure or else. Findings faults in other is not the feature of true servant-looks world for own happiness alone is not true servant-renunciation of the self is prerequisite for aspirants.

Indeed the privilege of true service in his lotus feet is given by God in his grace alone-rarely few make it to reach at.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pristine source

Pristine source of peace and bliss is God alone. This mundane world is creation of God and God pervades all. The whole of this creation and all activities are nothing but God in his varying form. It God and god all around if one visualize in broad vision.

God himself is the efficient cause and god alone is the material cause. It is god that has made every thing and who has become every thing is bare fact to believe that needs realization to reach at.

Individual soul is too a creation of God and indeed a fraction of supreme spirit; Emerge from and to merge in one so called god

Though permeating all and being everything, god is distinct from all-transcends all. All three states of universe are assumed in God alone, it is God himself who having assumed all form permeates all these states upon himself.

There are a variety of vessels of clay but basic component of all these vessels are clay alone so is the case with creation essence of the subject is supreme one creator and present in all being the same god.

If God is realized get united in bond with and never disunited is the quotes of true saints. Realizing unto supreme essence of one and all is the pristine source of peace and bliss make one to attain eternal peace-the cause for ultimate unison.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

world is embodiment of God

Every thing in the world is embodiment of God. God resides in all being. God being present in all, one should serve them through thoughts words and deeds to make human life success. One must understand this very fact in mind before hurting others.

As one sow so will reap at its concluding mode-Indeed the law of karma is defined and it is greatest lesson for one to understand before a deed on the cord of life. Whatever one give returns to multiplied to infinite degree-whatever has fallen one’s lot at present in form of pain and pleasure-gain or loss which have sowed in the past.

One who sees God in all being can never harm others-no action on part will be contrary to well being on the subject. Action of such people routed as that constantly and at all times worship God through every action in simple mode.

If one befriended with others means befriended with God-shear their suffering, comfort them in their anguish-ever treat with love, servitude, sympathy-will able to win the heart of God.

Vision of divine is seen every where when God’s presence is realized in every being and then all actions manifest the divine culture to meet the true pace of human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wishing all a very Happy Dewali

Today it is one of the most auspicious festival so called Dewali. It falls on amavasya-the first moon of Sri Kartik month. This is festival of lights to enlighten the glory of life.

Goddess Laxmi Ji worshipped on this day with all faith and submission. Goddess Laxmi Ji is Bestower of wishes along with wealth and fame.

Amavasya is known for being the darkest portion of month but lighting on this divine day makes it brighter than the full moon is indication for life that with respective efforts one can make life as beautiful as full moon even in the darkest spell.

Five prayers are usually taken up to worship Goddess Laxmi on this day but evening prayer has its own glory to enlighten the life at its glorious pace.

Pitar pujan is also performed before Laxmi pujan to attain the blessings of departed manes-feeding Brahmans and other deprived on the varying cords of life is also among prayer performed to please Goddess Laxmi. Navgrah pujan is performed in true spirit on this day to color the life at its best.

Auspicious part of evening is evaluated to start the Laxmi pujan with full faith and submission. If goddess of wealth and prosperity is pleased means all is done. This festival of light indicates wealth and prosperity for worldly one and eternal peace for mystics with achievements unto truth at its ultimate mode.

Wishing all a very happy Dewali

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, October 23, 2010

supremely dear to lord

A devotee is supremely dear to lord; he is gratified through the service rendered to his devotees, and bear great enmity to those who are hostile to them. If any one practice deception on devotees of lord-it recoil on the artificer itself.

Nature of lord is very simple that not to be angry at any offence against himself but he who sin against his devotees is surely face the heat of deed.

Even though the lord is alike to all without favor or else and receives neither sin nor virtues, neither merit nor demerits and even though he has made fate the ruling factor in this world, so that one reaps what one sows. Yet according as one possesses the heart of devotees or an unbeliever he appears to be impartial or hostile in dealings.

Though devoid of attributes, unattached, free from pride and ever unchanged lord assumed form with attributes yielding to the love of devotees.

Lord has ever respected the foremost and true wishes of his devotees; ancient books and saints have elaborated the subject in depth. Bearing this in mind one needs to give up perversity and cherish love for devotees of lord to reach at the depth of devotion to the lotus feet of lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vijay Dashami

Today is Vijay dashami-divine festival of victory of truth over untruth. Lord establishes the true norm on this day on the cord of karma that what one sows the same one reaps. Misdeeds are bound to reap miseries at its ultimate mode where as vetues deeds reflect unto truth of self become the cause of eternal joy bliss.

Truth is the essence of life and there is no place for untruth there in. the one who presents the truthfulness in deeds without undue self motives earn highest religious merit in simple way.

It is truth alone that stands for ever in ever changing world-it is truth alone that can win the delusive potency of Maya-it is truth alone that makes one to reach at true self.

It is truth alone that makes planet to move in fixed orbit-it is truth alone that make ocean to maintain its boundaries-it is truth alone that makes nature to behave according to the norm set for.

It is truth that makes man alive while unconscious in sleep mode, true wealth of the self is truth. It is truth that helps in dark of delusion. Truth alone is the guide in the journey of other world.

Indeed truth is far from the win and loss but still on the cord of life victory of truth is must-dussehera is the festival of victory of truth-let us celebrate in true spirit.

Wishing all a very happy dussehera

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mystery of life

Lord has created this universe, the regions material and the spiritual purpose best known to him alone. Lord of the entire three spheres is ever and always available to every being on the subject of life but resides within the human body.

Life is a journey and body is a carrier but for human it is something more than that. Wherever one’s desire are, there is the rout-desire determines the action and action rewrites the script of this journey. Whatever one sow, its fruits bound to meet in this journey.

Breaking forever the chain of birth and rebirth can only be achieved in human form. Human form is rare privilege. Pilgrimage is meant to optimize the pace of life to find the path of truth unto self but true pilgrimage is journey unto self; truth is the carrier.

Holy dip in the ocean of truth washout the blemishes of mind and heart.

Life is a journey for individual soul on the planet as designated for the cause best known to lord alone but destination of this journey for human is to reach at true self and complete the cycle of transmigration; in other words salvation.

Pool of nectar is within self for holy-dip but only true saints can brief about the path. Saints reveal the way of attaching soul to truth and of meeting the God. Mystery of life and truth of after the life is reveal within self on practice of truth on the cord of life on the guidance of true saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, October 1, 2010

life is a beautiful gift

Endless chain of karma throws one into cycle of birth and rebirth-it is the pursuit of desire that makes one take abode in the body. The mental make of man emanates from his karmas-one remain involved in performing actions good or bad and accordingly find self in the bondage of varies cord designated for beings.

Desire is nothing but the basic feature of spirit but when it gets inclined more towards the mundane existence creates the difference. He who conducts his trade under the sway of undue desires falls on the track of transmigration but those tread the desire on right pitch to make it to reach at the true self attain the motive of being human.

Birth and rebirth is the theory of life till emancipation. Emancipation is the ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion. Experience the feeling of being is life and eternal joy and joy of material world both belongs to life. It is life of human that can pave the path for an escape from the drifts of current of the ocean of eighty four lakh species.

Indeed life is a beautiful gift to individual soul if one utilizes it at its true pace-but to balance the life, to maintain the specie and to earn the merits to attain the self sustain status is not that easy and it needs a true preceptor in the form of living master. Without a true preceptor life goes without being on truth of self and it wander aeons and aeons in the bondage of body without will unto it, create the difference. Better be on right pace than to cut a sorry figure later.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Three fold

Three fold agonies of life rout through three tracks in life and make the life miserable beyond measure for many even on the cord human profile. Intrinsic bodily condition such as the predominance of bite or phlegm or desire or anger or ego, by extrinsic natural influences such as other men, birds and inanimate objects, by extrinsic supernatural influences such as spirits or supernatural conditioning or modes beyond reach of individual soul with extra adds on.

Birth, death, old age and the diseases are common for all being that cause suffering beyond limits but nature care for one and all respectively with grace on the subject.

In human life, human have special privilege to counter all with easy mode through association of true saints or refuge in truth or serving the lotus feet of true saints.

Human is blessed with extra intellect and body with features to suit the cord of supremacy to reach at the truth of self even after all the hurdles of miseries and agonies that challenge the life from time to time but needs a true preceptor to help. God alone is foremost true preceptor for life, after god name of is true preceptor to guide the intellect in true pace and saints are the grace of god for life on the planets.

Forsake not the God, embodiment of ultimate truth for easy passage on the tough track of life. Life is a challenge and live a truthful life is more than challenge for human and it needs a tangible support to carry on with; the name of God is that tangible support that can help one truly. Association of true saints is more than that. Communion with true saints is really unique to have easy passage on tough track so called life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, September 17, 2010

Human profile

Human profile among all beings on the planet is meant for realization of God is as true as anything on the subject of life. God is omnipresent and can be experience any where by conscious state and truthful heart immersed in divine love. Realization unto self and the supreme make one reach in the orbit God manifest.

Meditation is one of the tracks to experience god in person. In meditation let one withdraws his senses from respective objects and renouncing all worldly thoughts that create the distance in between. Thereafter invoke the God, the deity one keeps in heart, in pure state of mind free of sloth and full of dispassion.

God manifest in meditation when one make it to experience the feeling of eternal joy, peace and light. Where there is peace there will be no distraction, where there is light of knowledge shines there will be no sleep.

One needs to firmly believe that God is invoked and prayers are offered to him then God appear before devotee to interact with in form of presiding deity of devotee’s heart.

Voice chocked with emotion and expressing feeling through wet mode of eyes is clear indication of his very manifestation close by.

Lord is extremely kind and generous can easily be experience just through simple mode of love unto journey of self.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, September 10, 2010

Divine light

Divine light is must for human to have a glimpse of true self. It is divine light that make one see face to face the ultimate soul mate. Divine light enlighten the path of both worlds. Sun may dispel the dark of mundane mode but to make one see clear in other world, it needs divine light.

To enlighten the divine lamp in heart, one needs to correct the lifestyle and accommodate truth in thoughts words and deeds.

Life observe lot of changes every second, things and being around are passing by; one need to cling to the truth on the subject about eternal and divine light helps on.

Nature of all objects having name and form is transient and perishable. Mind needs to be ever in tune with the eternal one which is non transient and no perishable.

To enlighten the divine lamp at heart one needs to adore truth and discard lust, greed, infatuation, duality, evil thoughts, hard words, wicked deeds and jealousy.

Intense longing for meeting the ultimate soul mate enlighten the divine lamp in heart.

Viewing lord with disinterested devotion as true master, friend, lover, savior and maintain cordial attitude at its high pitch creates environment to enlighten divine light.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Truthful life

Truthful life is really a great one on the chapter of being human. Other species of life have limited scope to interact with as they are bound to act in fixed orbit hence truth never matters them as that of human.

Success matters to every one on the subject of life but human life has its own meaning that is entirely different than other species-success on the cord of truth is must for human and that alone counts success in the notes of karma.

Definition of truth is infinite in self and relates to infinite one at its ultimate mode. In broad spectrum truth is ever shining-stable in state of super consciousness than can only be found in supreme spirit.

Truth is a light that enlighten the pace of spirit. Truth is a knowledge that make one realize self with respect to supreme. Truth is conductive to the well being of all creatures.

Material truth is different than that of spiritual truth and spiritual truth is supreme.

Ultimate truth is ever unchangeable in all states of matter and spirit. Truth is eternal, imperishable, changeless and pure in self undiluted, free from all the six deformities. To experience the truth it needs a heart full of truth. Impure mind and afflicted heart can make it to reach at truth of even material nature. Truth of religions reflects on the truth of absolute if preceptor is perfect in thoughts, words and deeds.

Brahma is ultimate truth; life is among three streams that reflect unto truth at its ultimate mode. Supreme Brahma alone is supreme truth, adoration of truth at varying staging of life make to reach at ultimate truth.

“Truth alone triumphs in the court of God”

May lord bless all.

thanks please

Friday, August 27, 2010


Prayer is one of the ways to remember the supreme one cause for existence either in the form of spirit or life or material; it is the grace of God in all respect.

Worship of god is define through varying means in ancient books and by great sages of the era and time but essence of all is self submission with truth.

Prayer is a unique mode of interaction between spirit and the supreme; while praying one may ask God for one’s own personal benefit or welfare of one and all either with interest or in disinterested mode.

Prayer makes one disciplined and felicitate on the cord of self restraint-provide patience, courage, hope and confidence.

Prayer to be effected must be done with unshakable belief that God is our only refuge reflects best on the subject.

Vedic prayer always run on the cord for good of entire community and humanity at its foremost; never meant for any particular sect.

True prayer develops gratitude and makes one ready to embrace truth in all its forms.

Chanting the name of lord is also an effective prayer to prepare self for interaction with God.

Chanting the name is enough to make one liberate from the bondage of illusion-it is good enough to attain salvation.

God follows then who chant his name in true spirit with longing at heart for.

Please make a note that sincere and humble prayers are listened by God-they pierce cloud and do not depart till God hears them.

Any one can pray for self but they are really great who pray for others.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 19, 2010

one’s own self

Without the grace of lord it is not possible to know the greatness of lord. Without knowledge unto subject faith is out of question and without faith there can be no love, shorn of love, devotion will not abide any more than the lubricity produced by water.

Without faith there can be no devotion and without devotion it is really very hard to reach at the truth of self and the supreme.

Without content desire cannot cease; so long the desire exist it is really hard to experience peace even in dream. Can desire be got rid of with adoring truth at its ultimate mode.

Can any one get odour except earth, can any one get sensation without air, can any one get taste without water, can virtue be acquired without wailing upon the wise, can color exist without the basic element fire unto life, and can sound be produced without the mode of sky; they may happen but mind cannot be put on rest without experiencing the joy inherent in one’s own self is as true as anything on the subject of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, August 13, 2010

realizing spiritual potential

Indeed we are stranger here; other world is the conclusive truth of life on the planet. We have been here from unknown world and unknown other world is the ultimate truth for traveler as destination designated by life to one and all.

Human life is especially designed to suit the pursuits of truth in right spirit. Every being on the subject of life is social to an extant but human is blessed especially by the God on the subject.

There is a hidden core of the human personality which lends meanings to life and which gives man no rest till discovers it. This is irrepressible spirit-unto supreme one-which is inner reality of being human.

Truth and spirituality is the heritage of all men alike. True sincerity and simplicity of dissertation makes most abstruse spiritual verities intelligible to unsophisticated rational mind.

Three natural features of human are no different from other being but potentially divine to interact with the subject unto self and the supreme.

Truth is all pervading, intellect is the messenger that makes to orient self toward truth and human is all blessed with especially to make it. There are two faces one lands unto ground of identity with material existence and other existence unto true self. Turning face right side may leads to reach at the ultimate mottos of being human.

Crises unto subject of self and supreme could only be solved by realizing spiritual potential and true mission unto subject concern.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, August 8, 2010

True saints

True saints have glorious profile of their own; they are guileless by nature and loving, given over the prayer, austerity, and control of senses, self denial and religious observances and undertake sacred vows.

True saints are master of six passions, sinless, disinterested, firm, non-dual, pure and full of bliss, Desire less, convergent with the course of righteousness.

True saints are abode of virtues, above sorrows of the world and free from doubts, with no begging bowl, bags or sacred supporting staff. They dwell not in monastery and take not anyone’s wealth.

Not indulge in any ascetic posture, wear no rags or so free from all kind of mimic shows.

They dwell not in the forest, not create facility in the forest, eats not by begging and not entertain worldly hopes with interest. Truth reflects from their face in the shining silent smile which indicates their interaction with supreme spirit. They drink the celestial drops and make others to drink so in disinterred passion to help one and all.

Just a glimpse of such saints makes one to feel the joy of eternal bliss in life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

wakeful conscious state

The lord is always merciful compassionate and wakeful but the individual soul mostly is in dream state of illusion, this way union is really distant subject for one to experience on the cord of life. For unison one need to be wakeful from the dream of delusion.

Intoxicated with ego and engrossed in delusion, proud unto body, youth, wealth and fame leads one indifferently on the subject of life. Life is waning and body on way to decay with time, ignorant is bound to lose in false perception.

Human life is not meant to waste in I-ness of conceit. Three w beyond limit proves fatal for true life. Without true perception one is prone to get trap in the net of lust greed and vanity that tranquilize one to pitiful state. Lust is the dreadful thief inside, that robes one of his truth so is the case with greed-robes one of his peace and vanity robes one of his true nature {compassionate}.

Ignorant one is captivated by variegated form of wealth and lust, indeed, is drowned in the well of delusion. Before time reaches at its conclusion one needs to attain wakeful conscious state to attain the wisdom of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

conceit and vanity

False indeed are the conceit and vanity of this sheath of skin filled with air that makes the life miserable beyond measure and disrupt the script even for the other world that one need to realize at its true pace. It is dream state when they manifest at its peak. Wake up stage in the light of true knowledge they disappear and one lead unto truth of self.

This fragile and transient human life is destined to its conclusion with the pass of time that is inevitable. It will really be high time for one to take refuge in the God; the ultimate truth. This body is like unbaked earthen pitcher filled with water {feeling} is bound to dissolve with time. The moment it breaks water flows out and spread in scattered form.

Before the sunset, travelers needs to reach at the destination designated for to avoid undue hassle in unknown world. Without slack of time one needs to be brisk at to decorate its ultimate destiny. False conceit and vanity is the basic hurdle in journey. Let one optimize the pitch of conceit and vanity for easy access to the designated destiny. Refuge in God helps on the subject, refuge in truth guides on the subject, refuge in sat guru leads one on the subject.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

While alive

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, once slip out of hand hard to reach again so is the case with human life. Negative power of illusion is on way to trap the individual to keep them as salves of sense and one need to realize it at its true pace.

While alive, one can pave the path for but truth is the essence of the subject.

While alive, one can transcend bodily qualities and reach at the stage of liberation but truth in deeds is the subject concern.

While alive, one can cross over what is hard to cross, while alive-one can go the other shore-while alive, one can find true master for true perception which is the essence of the subject concern

To make contact it needs to establish link while alive, truth of self and submission is the essence of the subject concern.

Better be late than never is the essence of the subject concern.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Faith is the key to success. Have faith in self and the power of almighty lord. Faith is the light that dispels the dark of ignorance. Faith is the carrier that leads one to the other shore for blissful journey.

Have faith in lotus feet of true preceptor to reach at the truth of self. It is faith that makes one to have easy pass even on the hard surface of life.

Eight traditional paranormal powers attain by the mystics on the cord of faith. Base of austerity and penance is faith alone. Secret of Vedas reveal in heart itself by virtue of faith.

One must need to have faith in mercy of God that protects one in most agonizing state in the womb of the mother. It is faith alone that keeps the true spirit alive. It is true spirit alone that paves the path for ultimate good here and here after.

Shadow of karma always moves along but faith becomes the savior on the chapter of life.

Faith is that invisible link that connects spirit with supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, August 7, 2010


The path of love is the path of God. Indeed this path is narrow and difficult to tread but once it is followed, the abode of ultimate soul mate is not distant any more.

With its culmination, the ultimate goal of being human is realized; compassion personification is core essence of the subject.

Love is not less than any of the celestial nectar on the subject of life and human is blessed to experience this precious gift in true spirit.

There is no misery as terrible as it cannot be treated with the ointment of love. Life is beautiful gift of God given to individual to experience the feeling of love, pre-stage of final beatitude and those waists it in other means and modes repent later on.

Love is not a subject matter of mind, it reflects unto heart; core centre of spirit. Love is embodiment of compassion. Compassion is the subject matter that reflects unto truth of self. Truth of self never parts with any kind of ego or pride. Ego and pride is the subject matte of mind and love relates to heart deep till soul.

There is no place of doubt in the house of love, it always remain filled with compassion and submission. Love never treads any bargain, it is meant to offer self alone unconditional to soul-mate and if it is ultimate one then this is divine love; the path of final beatitude.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


The world is veritable whirlpool, where in creatures have been trapped by illusion through its delusive modes. Human alike other species of life is under sway of avarice and attachments, going through folds of birth and rebirth.

True preceptor is must to guide the life to attain the ultimate motto of being human. Sat-guru alone can ferry across one to the designated home hereafter.

Fear of death follows the life all along, who so ever taken refuge in truth or sat-guru has been redeemed from the fear of death.

Lord do not have any form or shape, yet ritualistic wanders about in search of and that search find its end in the lotus feet of true preceptor that makes one to meet him face to face on the cord of heart.

This mundane existence is not less than a vast ocean, indeed the human form is perfect boat to reach at that shore which is free from all kind of miseries and pain and soul experience ultimate bliss but through the grace of sat-guru.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

tangible support

Name alone is the crest jewel of all to make it to reach at the glory of being human. It is name alone which takes one across the impassable and carries one to the other shore; it alone saves one from hell.

Name is the redeemer from the ocean of the world and it is purity supreme. It is name that reveals the radiance, merges one into its luster and awakens the light. Those intoxicated with the name, Bestower of all bliss attain the designated destiny meant for being human.

Immortal nectar that is hard to attain could easily be made available on the cord of name. Chanting the name means establishing the cord between spirit and the supreme. All treasures accompany the name of lord. This wish grating gem award one with highest merit of being human if tracked with true sprit.

It is world here or heaven there, glory of name is infinite; those track it make it to reach at other shore with all ease.

It is the true name of lord that is at top of the entire universe and all regions it dwell. It is savior of fallen and befriend of one and all.

Great tangible support is the name of lord if one realize so.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, August 6, 2010


Time speaks a lot on the each and every subject of life through out its span but hardly one listen the notes of time. Time never keeps the same pace for individual but moves along at same pitch for one and all to lead them on the ultimate destination sooner or later. Pious one give due respect to time and enjoy the whip of life whereby deluded takes plight of ego and miss the pace of time to match the challenges set by the life.

Supplication before an wicked, friendship with a rough, inculcating liberality on a born miser, talking wisdom to one steeped in worldliness, glorifying dispassion before a man of excessive greed, a lecture on mind control to an irascible man and a discourse on exploits of lord to a libidinous person are futile as sowing seeds in barrel land is quotes of time on the subject of life.

Time speaks on varying cords on the sphere of life with experience of past for both good and bad events and beings but, that though one may take infinite pain in watering a plantain it will not bear fruits unless it is hewed, similarly a vile fellow heeds no prayer but yield on reprimand. Care and conscious is must to dealt respectively on the track of life is the call of time.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Truth unto Mystery of life

Burning question unto self always asks unto truth of life. Life is a lucrative appearance self attracted to but trapped in the net of karma. Self so called soul or spirit is fraction of supreme one but on disassociation from the almighty one, got weak trapped by the delusive modes of ignorance on the cord best known to self alone.

The soul left alone on the day of creation; birth after birth gathered the rust of karmas. As rust eats the true identity of iron as worm eat into wood, as hails get lost in water so has soul lost its luster in delusive mode of life.

The terrible law of karma is formidable; the mind rules the soul; servile to senses, the mind roams recklessly. Mind and soul knotted tighter on the cord of karma. Unclean mind lost discernment and realization unto self. Mind is attracted at its most on pleasure of mundane world if not clean but clean mind paves the path for true heart that leads one to the journey of self to unlock the tie of illusion.

Worldly men are prone to sickness of mind which leads to lust greed and vanity that their mind, from countless births is like tangled yarn. To optimize the pitch of this tangled yarn one needs to adore spiritual practice or take refuge in true master.

Truth unto Mystery of life cannot be revealed on the silver screen but on the screen of true heart for disciplined and self restrained one individually.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 5, 2010

realization of God

There are three evils most formidable of all-lust, anger and greed. In an instant they destruct the mind of hermits who are very repository of wisdom.

The weapons of greed are desire and hypocrisy, of lust not women; while anger’s weapon is harsh speech.

Inner controller of all is lord alone though free will is awarded to one and all within specific orbit. Lord demonstrated the miserable plight of earthly lovers and strengthens dispassion in the mind of wise.

Anger greed lust pride and delusion, all these get eliminated through the grace of God. Those take refuge in the lotus feet of lord make an easy escape from the deadliest modes of delusion.

As experienced by the great sages about the truthful state of life is as that of dream that remain dream distant from reality but the realization of God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

pray and perform

Ultimate justice is in the hand of God alone, individual soul is given with free will to act in specific orbit on the cord of fate. Battle of life is not an easy battle to win on the planet. First to sustain it needs extra efforts right from beginning till conclusion of event so called life, then it needs even more to prove self on the cord of truth that is really tougher for a common man.

Indeed this journey of life is tough but it could be made easy with very simple note of sages of time and era that pray and perform. Prayer inspires one for true win and act as true preceptor for one and continuous efforts in right direction makes one to reach at the destiny of the true self.

Truth must prevail as truth triumphs. Truth is the path of success that enlightens the pace of individual for ultimate glory of life. One may felt failure in dealing with power of ignorance but God alone decide the final result on conclusion of event {life}.

One needs to have faith in power of almighty God which is supreme all the way. Winning notes of ultimate glory is not same as that of winning wizard of mundane existence. Here illusion rules the life but there God decides the win on the cord of efforts and thoughts one keeps for truth at heart.

May the merciful lord be gracious enough to condescend to prayer of one offered and enable one to attain the pursuits of human life at its true pace, righteous duties on the cord of truth, acquisition of true wealth, contentment and emancipation?

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Life style of enlighten individual and 16 steps_

Wake up session before sunrise in Brahma mahurat approximately 2 hour before sunrise.

After daily routine of freshness and purity, yoga and mediation facing east or north before sun rise

Chanting the true name at optimize pitch without show business with an inner smile helps in to purify the inner core

Dietary discipline is must to maintain good health chart that ultimately helps in true spiritual race.

Charity is a prime subject with the start of day {it doesn’t necessarily involves money but spirit}

Tracking the path of wisdom for a while through available source is another mile stone for a true life along with prayer in the lotus feet of lord.

Vow of silence for specific period of time in a day reflects on the inner core all well.

Discipline unto words and deeds while to interact with fellow beings is must for a true life.

Non violence is prime subject to adore with.

Keep the compassionate heart for deprived one on the subject of life on its varying modules.

Simplicity in life and life close to nature helps one a lot to reach at truth of self.

Fair livelihood is another prime subject.

Heart for dedicated social service

Self restraint and Self reliance is highest of all virtues along perfect positive attitude towards dutifulness.

Evening prayer is another mile stone on the cord of realization and truth.

Before sleep large looms unto wakeful state, self surrender is must in the lotus feet of lord to make human life a success at its ultimate mode at the end of day.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


There are two basic streams to reach at true self one is devotion and other is knowledge that leads one to divine journey unto self without which life as human is far from the true motive.

There are nine streams of devotion but knowledge is reflected on the three basics. Though both the streams are prone to ride of ego but knowledge is more a bit. Devotion is based on submission where as knowledge based on the findings. Path of wisdom is like an edge of sword; one is opt to fall from it very soon but on the path of devotion God helps at every step in direct mode.

Devotees may easily attain the one that seeker of knowledge may miss while to testify the same. Knowledge can be attained by the company of intellectuals but the devotion is hard to attain without the communion with true saints. True saints make it easy to track the sacred path of devotion.

On the path of devotion doors of inner wisdom open itself for devotees but for seeker of knowledge have to make it to reach at. Indeed knowledge at it’s optimize pace helps in devotion but knowledge alone cannot make one to reach at, because it needs relationship for unison to cross the ocean of transmigration once for all and devotion establish that relationship between supreme and the spirit.

O mind, make a note of it that the ocean of transmigration cannot be crossed without cultivating the same feeling of lord as a servant cherish towards his master and devotion helps in direct mode.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Each and every one

Each and every one belongs to God in direct or indirect mode. God is sole creator of one and all in different way on the cord of life and nature. Nature is just a creation of God and life belongs to. Each one on the subject of life is different from other but with similarity at its core base.

No one is useless on the planet but have different pace to assist the world on the version of lord. Every one contributes their share in different ways on different stages of life. No is indistinct and indispensable. Every one is gracious by the grace of almighty lord.

Each and every life is precious in self and designated with specific role to perform with according to one’s capabilities and the orbit in which placed and one need to express his gratitude to the lord for the same by performing one’s duty in true spirit.

Among all human is as that of guardian of all fellow beings on the cord of life on planet and needs to behave respectively but in true spirit. Human is bound to have an urge to serve. Indeed the world is vast and needs and demands of the world are so great that all service rendered is not even a drop in the ocean but spirit behind the service proves self that human needs at its core base.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, July 25, 2010

glimpse of God

The foremost desire of devotees is to have a glimpse of God. Aspirants of truth too keep the longing for. Glimpse of God is not difficult to have so but. The one who has created this beautiful world indeed is not a subject of eyes but still longing for a glimpse of ultimate soul remain the prime issue till last for one and all.
God is omnipresent and it is not tough for any one to reach at subject to meet the true pitch as same as that of god.

God is within all beings; he accompanies all and closely. Musk is in musk deer and yet it goes around smelling grass.

Being deaf to holy sound and truthful pursuits, sadly one wander for a glimpse of soul mate that ever remain in close orbit.

Feeling of his very presence can be experience by just a true realization.

Just as water penetrate the earth, so does the God pervades the mind and make one see face to face.

God dwells within all beings yet rarely few make it to reach at. There are three steps to reach at_
Know him at its first
Love him at its foremost
Submit self for the motto

Those keep heart and mind pure may have glimpse of the one at the core base near by heart, one may have the glimpse of god in the form of mother, one may have glimpse of god in the form of his creation, one may have glimpse of god in the idol worshipped in true mode at regular pace with purity and faith.

One may have glimpse of God in the form of true saint and pious one on the subject of life.

Today is very auspicious day-it is Sri Sri Guru Purnima, I bow my head in the lotus feet of my true preceptor on this auspicious day with all humble submission.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, July 23, 2010


Human life itself is an unsolved mystery on the planet, great saints and sages have taken it differently to express the myth unto life as human. There are eighty four lakhs species of life that manifest through four define ways to continue on the pace of life till one breath last.

Breath in and breath out is life in broad spectrum but in pin point elaboration life is beyond the orbit of description in direct mode. No one has ability to control the breathing mode it is a process controlled through other end not known to any one here. One can just optimize the pitch of breathing in life either through yoga or other prescribed norms to attain the realization unto self. No one can make it to reach at the other shore while breathing this side but presumption can pave the path for with true calculation in state of deep concentration on the subject.

Birth and rebirth is the theory of life can be experienced through naked eye with a pulse of realization. Law of karma governs life to an extent within specific orbit. Thoughts words and deeds write the script of fate ruled by the law of karma for individual.

There are many factors that govern the law of karma but truth is supreme among them to make one experience the life in true spirit that erase the fear of rebirth. Truthful life free from undue attachments paves the path for ultimate truth. Peace bliss and eternal joy is the mile stone of the journey unto ultimate truth that is God.

Worldly pleasure is nothing but mantel fatigue that fades away with the colors of life but the absolute bliss of the self does not fade away because that is very nature of spirit not the metal fatigue. Submit the self for truth in right spirit is way out to reach at the mystery of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please