Sunday, March 18, 2012

This kind of chariot

Jai Sri Ram

The moment Ravana heard the news of his son’s death, he dropped senseless, and it was his last hope in the battle field. Mandodari made grievous lamentation, beating her breast and crying in many ways, Ravana trying to console all the womenfolk’s in various ways with wet eyes.

Ravana said, perceive and realize in your heart that the entire universe is perishable.

Ravana taught that with sound wisdom though he is grieved with in totally yet getting ready for the battle though all bad omens following Ravana but after losing all he never wants to part of with Sita.

Ravana is in mood of revenge with all his mystic assets and wants to take Laxman at his first, then Rama.

Finding terror among the monkeys Rama comes forth with to face Ravana in direct mode. Ravana on chariot and Rama on bare foot make Vibhishan sad and Rama.

Then Rama define the chariot which infect leads one to victory,

Velour and fortitude are the wheels

Truth ness and good conduct are the enclosures

Strength, discretion, self control and benevolence are its four horses

Forgiveness, compassion and evenness of mind are cords

Adoration of god alone is expert driver

Dispassion is shield alone

Contentment is sword

Charity is axe

Reason is fierce lance

Highest wisdom is relentless bow

Pure and steady mind is quiver

Religious observances and self restraint are sheaf of arrows

This kind of chariot wins the battle all over for fame in both the worlds.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please