Wednesday, March 11, 2015

wild fire

Jai sri Ram,
King said, even though proficient in every-way yet prefer to remain in tattered cloths, This is why the saints and the Vedas has proclaim that those who are supremely indigent are held most dear by Lord Sri Hari,

I bow your feet, now be gracious to me, my lord-when hermit saw the king's artless affection and extraordinary faith in him, he won him over in every-way and spoke with a still greater affection,

Listen-O king; i tell you sincerely that i have dwelt here long-no one has come to me so far no do i make myself known to anyone; for popular esteem is like a wild fire, which consumes the forest of penance,

Not only fools but even clever men are taken in by fair appearances, look at the beautiful peacock: though its notes are sweet like nectar-devours snakes,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please