Monday, November 21, 2016

across the Ganga

Jai sri Ram,
Sri Rama dismissed sumantra against the later's will immediately afterwards, he called for a boat but ferryman would not bring it, Said i Know the secret of your lotus feet which reansforms the stone to a beautiful woman,

I shall be robed of every mean if something happens to my boat, i maintain my family through this alone, i know no other trade-therefore My Lord- you must cross the river, command me to lave your lotus feet,

I will let you abode the boat only when i have bathed your lotus feet-i seek no toll from you, i swear by you, on hearing these words of ferry man, mysterious though imbued with love, Lord said-do that which may prevent the loss of your boat,-bring water at once, and lave my feet,

Having laved the Lord's feet and drunk of the water in which they had immersed along with the other members of his family, he thereby transported the souls of his deceased forbears across the ocean of metempsychosis and then gladly too the lord across the Ganga,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please