Sunday, March 19, 2023

Listen, O Rama

  Jai Sri Ram,

My Lord, it must be someone of your servants who have broken the bow of Shiva, what is your command, why not tell me, all this the furious sage was all the more incensed and said, A servant is he who does service, having played the role of an enemy and said,

One should give battle, Listen, O Rama, whoever has broken Shiva's bow is my enemy no less than the thousand armed Katavirya, let him stand apart, leaving this assembly, or else every one of these kings shall be slain, hearing the Sages words, 

Laxman smiled and said insulting Purshurama, I have broken many a small bow in my childhood, but you never grew so angry, my lord, why should you be so fond of this particular bow, At this, the chief of Bhirgu's race burst out in a furry,

O young prince, being in the grip of death you have no control over your speech, would you compare it to a small bow the mighty bow of shiva, that is known throughout the world,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please