Tuesday, May 23, 2023

succeeded in bursting a strong snare

 Jai Sri Ram,

My admonition to you, dear, child, is this, it is up to you to see that Rama and Sita lead a happy life in the forest through your good conduct and truth, forget their father and mother, near and dear ones as well as the amenities of city life, 

Having thus admonished the Rama, Sumitra granted him leave to accompany Rama, and then invoked her blessings on him, may your devotion to the feet of Sita and Rama be constant and untainted and ever new,

Bowing his head at his mother's feet Laxman left at once with a timid heart apprehending any further development that might balk his plans, and interfere with his accompanying Rama to the forest,

It looked as if a deer had luckily succeeded in bursting a strong snare and made good his escape,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please