Saturday, October 21, 2023

Ravana took her away and kept in the Ashok Garden,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Soon Rama turned back, and there Sita heard the cry of distress, seized with fear, and said to Laxman, Go quickly, your brother is in trouble, Said the Laxman, Mother by the very play of Rama's eyebrows the entire creation is annihilated, could he ever dream of being danger,  

Sita urged him with tough words that were hard to bear, he entrusted her to the care of all sylvan gods, then none was there, Ravana reached the hermitage in the garb of a hermit, trying to deceive Sita through his delusion, soon he realized the line of safety as marked to safeguard Sita, could be cross by Sita alone in the universe, 

Pray to Sita to cross and offer him food, As soon Sita crosses the line Ravana manifests in his original form, Sita is terrified to see him and know his name, though acts as a lioness yet hard to be back in a hermitage that is safe to resort through celestial cult,

Ravana in rage now seated her in his aerial car through his occult power, and drove through the air as a frightened thief, recalling for help from all around, loud wailing all living creatures, felt distressed then manifest the Jatayu and tried his best to rescue her but failed a last and fell down, Ravana took once more Sita to his car and drove off in hast, perceiving some monkies midway perched on the hill she dropped some cloth and jewel as marks for Rama to reach, Ravana took her away and kept in the Ashok Garden, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please