Sunday, October 8, 2023


 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage August had a learned disciple Sutikshan by name, a great lover of Rama who had no faith in any other deity but Rama, As soon the news reached him that the Lord is coming, reached the midway to receive his master, 

Pitched his hope on the all-merciful Rama then the truth of his Bhakti, awaits in truth with concentration and meditation, enlightening the lamp of hope with eyes on Rama eternally, he has been gifted by nature the truth of immense love he wishes to offer to the lotus feet of Rama, 

Rama Reached but he was still in the ecstasy of his divine cult to reach Rama, Rama was delighted to see him the way this, and tried many ways to arouse him but, then withdrew himself from the mind of Sutikshan, He arose with deep restlessness, and find Rama in front of him, Sutikshan overwhelmed with affection summoned the courage to clasped the feet of Rama, Rama blessed him, he took Rama to his hermitage,

Sage offers eternal prayer in words to charm self in love with Rama, praise the lord more than once to oblige self, And retreat self to be in the quest to be a servant of Rama, and requests to vouchsafe him and award him a live glimpse of the trio to frame in his heart then requested Rama to accompany him to oblige his Guru August, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please