Sunday, December 10, 2023

chose either accept my offer or sword

 Jai Sri Ram,

Hearing himself likened to a glow worm and Sri Ram compared to the sun and exasperated at her harsh words, Ravana drew out his sword and said,

You have insulted me, will cut your head, Mandodary intervened and stopped Ravana, Spoke the Ravana, and chose either accept my offer or sword, having instructed to demonesses to scare Sita all the possible ways he went to his palace, 

One of the demonesses Trijata by the name devoted to the lotus feet of Rama and perfect in spiritual wisdom, summoned all her companions and told about the dream she had last night, exhorted them to serve Sita, thus bless themselves, as she had seen Ravana mounted on the donkey in the plightful state, the kingdom of Lanka passed on to Vibhishan,

Rama's victory was proclaimed throughout the city, I loudly proclaimed, that it would come true in a few days, hence they were all dismayed to hear her words and fell at the feet of Sita, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please