Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Angada entered the city

 Jai Sri Ram,

As soon as Angada entered the city met one of Ravana's sons named Prahasta, try to intercept Angada, in no time Angada killed him, which raised alarm among all citizens in fear of doing Sri Hanuman a few days ago, 

Is He the same monkey or someone alike, who knows what providence going to take now, everyone thought in exceedingly dismay, guiding the monkey towards the assembly of Ravana,

Very soon Angada reached the gate and sent a message, Ravana laughed and said, Go, usher him in my presence, let us know where the monkey has come upon, Next moment Angada was in front of Ravana thinking of Sri Rama's might bow his head and took the seat of its own creation fearlessly in appearance like a lion, midst of mad elephants,

Ravana asked who are you, and from where, Said Angada I am the messenger of Sri Rama, to my knowledge you and my father were friends, you are from the lineage of virtuous Pulastya that mind-born son of Brahma, you worshipped Shiva in numerous ways and obtained boons but failed to make appropriate application of them, in the delusion of your sick reality in the shadow of kingly ego embodied with infatuation you carried of Sita, mother of the universe, now listen to my friendly advice, put a straw between your row of teeth and an axe by the throat and take all your people including your wives with you, respectfully placing Devi Sita, in this way repair to him shedding all fears thus address him, o protector of a suppliant, save me, save me now, the moment Lord hears your piteous cry will surely rid of you of every fear, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please