Sunday, February 18, 2024

eight evils

 Jai Sri Ram,

Ravana laughed when he heard the words of his wife, how mighty is the infatuation and it rightly regards the character of a woman, eight evils ever abide in her heart,

Recklessness, mendacity, fickleness, deceit, timidity, indiscretion and callousness, 

You describe the enemy's cosmic form and thus told me a most alarming story but all that is naturally in my under control, me beloved, it is by your grace that it has become clear to me now, that I have come to know your ingenuity, my dear this way you have told my greatness,

Your words, O fawn-eyed lady are profound, they afford delight when understood and dispel and dispel all fear when heard, Mandodary was now convinced at heart that her husband's impending death had deluded him, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please