Friday, February 23, 2024

try to recognize the almighty Lord Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Ravana, listen, O fool, I am the same Ravana, sports of whose arms are familiar to Mount Kailash, peak sacred of Lord Shiva, I am the same Ravana who offered my heads as flowers in the lotus feet of Shiva, the prowess of my arms is known to the guardians of the eight quarters,

I am the same Ravana earth shakes in fear from and might of my reality is known to all celestials whoever remains scared, O barbarous monkey you belittle extol Ravana, a mere mortal,

Angada replied, take care about the words you speak, how can I call that to a man whose pride melted away by the sight of Parshurama, who ran away in fear of Sajastrabahau, sick of you to differentiate between heaven and Baikuntha, bird and the Garuda, Rama and the price, Hanuman and the monkey, 

Hanuman trampling your pride as well your army, waste your gardens setting out your capital on fire and slaying your own son, give up hypocrisy, try to recognize the almighty Lord Rama if you pit yourself against Rama even heavenly trinity cannot save you, this flared up Ravana like blazing fire,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please