Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bharat lovingly saluted

Jai Sri Ram

Whosoever find Bharat on way to Rama loud appraise of his love towards, hearing the news the men and women who lived by the roadside left their house hold and ran after the royal travelers to have a glimpse of devotee Bharat.

Bharat lovingly saluted each and every place where Sri Rama had either encamped or rested awhile.

Bharat journeying on foot, living on fruits and relinquishing the sovereignty bestowed by his father, just in quest to prove self on the cord of love for Ram. No one can equal Bharat on the path of devotion to the lotus feet of Sri Rama.

At the sight of Bharat the good fortune of the people by the roadside manifested itself as though by the will of providence.

Auspicious omens occurred to every one, they had happy throbbing in their eyes and arms-Bharat and his whole host rejoiced at the thought that they would be able to see rama and string to their sorrow will end.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please