Saturday, March 3, 2012

prayag deserve to be congratulated

Jai Sri Ram
Muni Bhardwaj said you have created peerless moon of your glory, which bears on it the figure of deer in the shape of love for Rama.

Your love for Rama is beyond measure, your quest to serve lotus feet of rama is beyond definition, you are crest jewel among devotes of lord Rama.

Bharat I am ascetic dwelling in the forest and not concern with the world but I experience excellent rewards of all spiritual observation in the form of your glimpse, a great lover of lord Rama.

Bharat prayag deserve to be congratulated as you visit this place, your visit enhances the glory of this pious place and time and age support it all well.

Bharat spend a night there in refuge of muni Bhardwaj.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please