Thursday, March 15, 2012

Prahasta, Ravana’s son

Jai Sri Ram
Mandodari clasped him by the feet and with eyes full of tears, my lord worship Sri Rama so that my union with you may last till eternity.

Thereupon Ravana lifted Maya’s daughter-mandodari, please be brave like your spouse whose might is known to time even, Varun Kuber and yam all know the might of my strength, demons and human are in my direct control-what is the cause of your fear-you are haunted by idle fears.

Then Ravana appeared in his assembly to consult the counsels on the subjects, how shall proceed to fight enemy,

Ministers replied, why you ask this question again and again, there is nothing to afraid of as monkeys bears and humans are our food.

Hearing the words of all, Prahasta, Ravana’s son said with joined palms, transgress not the bounds of propriety, your councilors have little wit.

All your ministers tell you only that which pleasing to their master but.

A stray monkey sprang across the ocean and come this side and all still extol his doing in their hearts

What! Did none of you have appetite then?

Sri Rama is not an ordinary mortal, whom you say will devour.

If he withdraws on receiving back his consort, you should have no quarrel with him, otherwise face him in the battle field and give tough fight.

Ravana shouted at him and dispelled him out from assembly and went to celebrate the evening in colors and lord though one shaft alone dispel the colors of his celebration and make him to rethink at heart before it is too late.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please