Friday, March 16, 2012

prescribe medicine available at Himalaya

Jai Sri Ram
At the close of the day, the two champions jumped down and came where the Lord was.

Sri Rama graciously regarded them both and they felt supremely happy.

Akampana and Atikaye were son of Ravana, warrior too that equally matched to the tow on that side, employed Maya to de-stables the faith of enemy, lord understood the secret and summoned angad and hanuman and instructed them suitable to counter of Maya and in an one arrow vanish all impact of that delusion vision.

There mandodari is on way to convince his lord on the subject, in the morning meghanada again start with his might in the battle field and challenged Vibhishan and others, is attacking again and again but dare to face Rama in direct mode.

The evil minded demons displayed their demoniac powers before him who is powerful Maya holds away all over , rama hardly take any time to dispel the Maya from the battle field.

Now Laxman and meghanada are face to face, but meghanada remains far off to defeat him and got trapped in the net of Laxman then he used boon in the form of Virghatini to sustain self which pieced through Laxman breast, the prince swooned, now he went near him, all mighty warriors he tries to lift Laxman but remains fail and jaamvant disperse them all in fraction of second.

Lord felt distressed to see Laxman in this state and jaamvant said sushane is in lanka, competent physician, and hanuman rushed and immediately brought him.

Sushane come and bowed his head to Rama and prescribe medicine available at Himalaya to treat Laxman. Hanuman proceeds to bring it.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please