Sunday, March 16, 2008

bare facts

Hare Rama__
Glory of lord speaks on the version of life and the peoples on the board of life on the verge of acts and their results for them. What one saw the same one reaps is the bare fact of life but a time gap prevents the direct collision?

Life expects a lot from itself on varying stages with out anticipating the mode and the orbit it bears their in. a servant who aspires for happiness, a beggar who expects honor, a person addicted to some vice who hopes for riches, a profligate who seeks a blessed state after death, an avaricious man who coverts fame and a proud man who expects four virtues of life esteem wealth, religious merits, sensual perfection and final beatitude ---all these ones expect to get milk by milking heavens.

Life do needs realization for a better pace their in to achieve ultimate glory for here and here after.

May god bless all on the subject of life as human.

Thanks ple