Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The greatness of saints is so defined through all quarters of life and the glory of lord with all praise that they always move ahead for the welfare of life on its every sphere. They return good for evil.

It is very hard on the chapter of life that some times peoples disrespect them on varying subject under the shadow of deep dark. But it is more than sure that disrespect to a saint immediately robs one of his all blessings.

Results of despising a noble soul cause lot of suffering here as well more than here its hare after. Time gap may put the pause but ultimately those who disrespect or abuse noble soul suffers on many spheres of life in series at a suitable time.

It is always better be on a safer mode to earn the glory in life with all conscious and care. Blessing of saints could change the climax of life to favor. Better be on right track.

May god bless all on the subject of true life.

Thanks please.