Tuesday, March 18, 2008

his version

Glory of lord speaks with clear version that life and supreme always remains close to each to each other with a little difference their in. the vow of supreme is to dispel the fears from the mind of those who seek refuge in him, who cherished paternal affection for his portage.

His versions for those who forsake a suppliant, apprehending evil from him are vile and sinful; their very sight is abominable.

His version is clear for life as per the quotes of saints that I will not abandon even the murderer of myriads of Brahmans, if he seek refuge in me. The moment a creature turns its face towards me the sins incurred by through millions of lives are washed away.

A sinner by his very nature is averse of his worship.

The man alone has a pure mind and fair heart can attain him; he has an aversion for duplicity, wiles and censoriousness.

May god bless all for a true human life.

Thanks please.