Friday, March 21, 2008

glory of life

Glory of lord Rama speaks the way this on for life that with out knowledge on the subject faith can not help the life it needs the way that, with out faith there can never be love as desired on the subject of life. With out love devotional sprit can not be attaining its peak.

Is spiritual illumination possible with out a preceptor? Or again is it possible acquires wisdom with out dispassion? Can one attain the truth of happiness with being on the track of devotion?

With out content desire can not cease; and as long as desire continues one can never attain true mode of happiness at inner core. But all these desires which takes the roots of lust in their supreme form could easily be erased through the worship of god at heart with true love and optimize pace.

It is state of mind which could make one happy with experiencing the joy inherent in ones own self.

With out faith there can be no devotion and with out devotion supreme hardly melts on the subject of life for its ultimate glory. It is always be better on right track to cut a sorry figure at a later date.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.