Sunday, March 16, 2008


Glory of lord reflects on every sphere of life either it is a life of social stream or a life of wisdom. Astrology and astronomy are more or less two wings of a bird which fly to guide the life for its destination their in to achieve success in missions it undertakes.

In day to day life astrology speaks for every bit of event for its commitment and commencing on the subject of success their in. As per the Vedic culture and the version of saints on for life it is taken as universal belief about the influence of stars upon the human affairs and in day to day works of life being guided through the principles of astrology in secular as well religious activity.

Even while undertaking journey one needs to require astrology helps for its comprehensive success in older times and if astrology never supports the journey which needs to take with immediate effect taken with norms of hour profile so called hora, by preventing rahu span in the sky for its influence on the life or as such to carry on with to attain the requisite results.

Above all it’s though of god and a bit chant of his name acts as a great help to carry on with any event in life for its glorious success. It is for life to realize and be on fair mode while to interact with their in to achieve desired success.

May god bless all on the subject of life as human.

Thanks please.