Thursday, March 20, 2008

true kingdom

Glory of lord Rama reflects the life to a time when it was the kingdom of state ayodya under the grace of lord Rama. In the whole of lord Rama’s dominion there was none who suffered from affliction of any kind, whether f the body, or proceeding from divine or supernatural agencies or the caused by another living being.

Devoted to duty each according to his own and stage of life, the people trod the path of Vedas and enjoyed happiness. They knew no fear no sorrow no disease.

All men loved one another; each followed one’s prescribed duty, conformably to the precepts of the Vedas. Dharma [religion in other words] with its four pillars truth, purity at in and outer mode, compassion and charity regained every where through out the world: no one even dreamt a sin.

May lord bless all on the subject of true wisdom of life as human.

Thanks please.