Thursday, December 21, 2017

again and again

Jai Sri Ram
Had the Rama any news about you, would not have tarried, Mother i take you to sri Rama this very moment but not have orders from Lord, Rama arrives here with troops of monkeys, slaughtering the demons will take you away,

Sita said, but my son all the monkeys must be pygmies like you, i have grave misgivings, on hearing this Hanuman revaeled his Natural form, colossal as a mountain of gold, terrible in battle-with great might and full of valor,

Hanuman said, listen Mother monkeys possess no great strength or intelligence either but through the might of Sri Rama, Sita felt gratified at heart, gave him blessings,

May you become a repository of strength and virtue, dear child may you ever immune from old age and death, prove to be the storehouse of good qualities my son, May the lord be gracious to you, herewith Hanuman utterly overwhelmed with emotion, again and again bow at the feet of Sri Sita,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please