Thursday, December 21, 2017

set to fire

Jai sri Ram
I have accomplished all that i had to, my mother, for your blessing, is unfailing, I am hungry-she said-this grove is guarded by most valiant and mighty demons, Hanuman said i am not afraid of them, seeing the Monkey perfect in strength and wit, Janaki said Go my son, enjoy luscious fruit with heart fixed at Rama,

Hanuman roared and slaughtered the whole demon host, some escaped and cried, O lord the monkey is too strong for us, Ravana flew into rage when heard death of his son, sent meghanath-kill not but binds him, He when failed the way else-ultimately used Brahmashtra, to respect the glory of Brahmashtra sri Hanuman allowed him to be bound, Ravana laughed and railed at him, y whose might have you wrought the destruction of grove,

By an iota of whose might you were able to conquer the entire creation, whose beloved spouse has been stolen by you, know me to be his envoy, never antagonize him who is source of terror even to death, lord Rama is protector of suppliant and ocean of compassion, forgetting your offences will give you shelter if you put turn to him,

I tell you on oath, there is none to save him who is oppose to Sri Rama, abandon pride, adore sri Rama, Ravana said why not some of you quickly kill this fool, Demons rushed forward to kill him but Sri Vubhishan said envoy must not be punished, some other way, Ravana said, all right sent back mutilated, is fond of his tail-swath his tail with rags socked in oil then set to fire,

May lord bless all,

thanks please