Saturday, December 23, 2017

moment i was separated from you

Jai sri Ram
When i was laving, she gave me this jewel, Rama took it and pressed it to his bosom,

My Lord with tears in her eyes Janaka's daughter uttered the few words, embrace the feet of my lord and his brother crying, O befriender of distressed, reliever of suppliant agony, i am devoted to your feet in thought words and deeds, yet for what offence, my lord-you have forsaken me,

I do admit one fault of mine, that my life did not depart the moment i was separated from you, is the fault of my eyes which forcible prevent my life from escaping,

Each single moment, o fountain of mercy, passes like an age to her, therefore march quickly, my lord-vanquishing the miscrient crew by your mighty arm, recover Her,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please