Thursday, June 13, 2024

covetous of another's wife

 Jai Sri Ram,

Wives having their husband alive have no ornament on their person, while widows adom themselves in the latest style,  the disciple and the preceptor severally resemble a deaf man and a blind man, the one would not listen, while the other cannot see, 

A spiritual guide who robs his disciples of money but fail to rid him of sorrow is cast of terrible hell, parents call their children and teach them such religion as may fill their belly,

Men and women talk of nothing else than the knowledge of Brahma, while in their greed they would kill a brahman or, for the matter of that, even their own spiritual Guru for the sake of single shell,

Sudras argue with the twice born, Are we in anyway inferior to you, A good brahman is he who knows the truth of Brahma and defiantly glower at them, They alone who are covetous of another's wife and are clever at wiles and steeped in delusion, malice and worldly attachments are enlightened men swearing by the identity of individual soul with Brahma, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please